- Visionary
Defined narrowly, a visionary is one who experiences a vision or
apparition connected to the supernatural. At times this involves seeing into the future. Certain people are capable of going into the visionary state via meditation, drugs, lucid dreams, day dreams, or art. One such example isHildegard of Bingen , a 12th century artist/visionary. [ [http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bio/247.html Hildegard of Bingen, Visionary ] ]Extended meanings
A vision can be political, religious, environmental, social, or technological in nature. By extension, a visionary can also be a person with a clear, distinctive and specific (in some details) vision of the future, usually connected with advances in
technology or social/political arrangements. For example,Ted Nelson is referred to as a visionary in connection with theInternet [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/1581891.stm BBC News | SCI/TECH | Visionary lays into the web ] ] .Other visionaries simply imagine what does not yet exist, but might some day, as some forms of visioning (or gazing) provide a glimpse into the possible future. Therefore, visioning can mean seeing in a
utopian way what does not yet exist on earth - but might exist in another realm - such as theideal or perfect realm as imagined or thought. Examples areBuckminster Fuller inarchitecture anddesign , and some of the pioneers ofpersonal computing such asSteve Jobs . Some people usemathematics to make visionary discoveries in the nature of theuniverse . In that sense, a visionary may also function as a secularprophet . Some visionaries emphasizecommunication , and some assume a figurehead role in organizing a social group.In art
Artists may produce work loosely categorized as visionary art for its
luminous content and/or for its use of artistic techniques that call for the use of extended powers ofperception in the viewer: (e.g.Gustave Moreau ,Samuel Palmer ,Jean Delville ,Ernst Fuchs , the FrenchSymbolist Odilon Redon ,Brion Gysin ,Max Ernst ,Stanley Spencer ,Edward Burne Jones ,Adolf Wolfli ,Fred Sandback ,William Blake ,Hieronymus Bosch andHenry Darger ).Visionary art can be incorrectly defined as a category ofprimitive art (art of those not formally trained) rather than describing people who have used their visions (ordreams ) to create their paintings.Salvador Dali is one artist who would exemplify visionary art that is neither religious nor primitive.Notes
* "Celestial Visitations The Art of Gilbert Williams" (Pomegranate Artbooks) ISBN 0-517539-00-4, 1979
* Carlo McCormick " Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art ofAlex Grey ", Inner Traditions International, 1990
*Joseph Nechvatal [http://www.eyewithwings.net/nechvatal/Blake/BlakeVisionWWW.htm William Blakeand Visionary Art]
* Metamorphosis: 50 Contemporary Surreal, Fantastic and Visionary Artists (beinArt) ISBN 978-0-9803231-0-8
* John Maizels,"Raw Creation: Outsider Art and Beyond" (1996). ISBN 0714831492
* Elka Spoerri, Daniel Baumann and E. M. Gomez, "The Art ofAdolf Wolfli " (2003). ISBN 0691114986
* Geiger, John (2005). Nothing Is True - Everything Is Permitted: The Life ofBrion Gysin . The Disinformation Company, 130. ISBN 19328571251.
* "Fantastic Art" (Taschen) ( Schurian, Prof. Dr. Walter) ISBN 978-3-8228-2954-7 (English edition), 2005
* "Metamorphosis" (beinArt) ISBN 978-0-9803231-0-8, 2007
* "Cosmic Art" Ramond & Lila Piper (Hawthorne Books) ISBN 0-8015-1774-5, 1975External links
* [http://www.art.org Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art]
* [http://www.folkartmuseum.org American Folk Art Museum official website]
* [http://www.alexgrey.com/ information onAlex Grey ]
* [http://www.sublimatrix.com/html/jean_delville.html information onJean Delville ]
* [http://www.eyewithwings.net/nechvatal/Blake/BlakeVisionWWW.htm "William Blake and Visionary Art" byJoseph Nechvatal ]
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