- Tai Tokerau
Church in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
There are 10 pastorates (ministry units) within Te Pihopatanga O Te Tai Tokerau:(
Archdeaconry of Te Tai Tokerau)
* Parengarenga-Ahipara-Peria
* Whangaroa
* South Hokianga
* Waimate Taumarere
* Whangarei
* Northern Wairoa
* Nga Tapuwae o Te Ariki(Archdeaconry of Tamaki Makaurau)
* Te Mihana Maori o Tamaki Makaurau
* Te Takiwā o Manukau
* CIMAH (Cook Island congregation)Ministry also takes place in:
* numerous prison, school and hosptial chaplaincies
* Te Whare Ruruhau o Meri, the social service agency based inAuckland
* relational ministries including Kahui Wāhine (Women's ministry) and Kahui Tane (men's ministry)Structure
The Pihopatanga is governed by the Hui Amorangi, a representative
synod that meets annually. The Komiti Tumuaki executive meets four times a year, and has two subcommittees: Ministry and Education, responsible for ordination and training matters; and a Finance sub-committee.The Pihopatanga comes under the episcopal leadership of the
Bishop of Te Tai Tokerau The Right Reverend Te Kitohi PikaahuLTh , MTh (Oxon ). Bishop Pikaahu wasordained Bishop in 2002 at the age of 37 and remains one of the youngest Bishops in theAnglican Communion .The
Venerable Dr Hone KaaLTh , MA,DMin (EDS ) isArchdeacon of Tamaki Makaurau, overseeing the 2 Auckland pastorates. Tapu Laulu and Tessa Wolff B.Theol. are the Manu Kōkiri (Youth Enablers), identifying and nurturing young leaders across the region.External links
* [http://www.rangatahi.org.nz/ Youth ministry site]
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