Titahi Bay Transmitter

Titahi Bay Transmitter

Titahi Bay Transmitter is an AM transmitter with a 212 meter tall radio mast insulated against ground at Titahi Bay in New Zealand. [ [http://www.radionz.co.nz/nr/programmes/mediawatch/archive/2004/20040201r Radio New Zealand National : Programmes A-Z : Mediawatch : Archive : 2004 : 01 February, 2004 - The Titahi Transmitter ] ] There are now five stations transmitting from the site, National Radio, the parliamentary network, Newstalk ZB, an Iwi radio station and Access Radio; see List of radio stations in New Zealand and Radio Stations in Wellington.

In 2004 the tower was refurnished, badly corroded parts were removed and replaced, the whole tower was sand blasted and repainted, and an array of LED warning lights were added at the behest of the NZCAA.

According to workers refurbishing it, scaling the tower takes 45 minutes. From the top there are views of the entire Kapiti coast region.

The transmitters also provide Radio New Zealand's shortwave service (which was ended for a period by cost cutting).

The land surrounding the tower is owned by the Department of Conservation, and is leased to Radio NZ for the transmitting towers, to the local "Titahi Golf Club", and as farm land. The site is located within Whitirea Park, and is planned to come under the control of the Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Interestingly, only in recent years has the station's emergency power generator been replaced. The previous one was supplied by the American military after the Second World War, and was part of the driving machinery of a submarine which was no longer required.

The site was never used for overseas telephone links, which (before the advent of undersea cables and satellites) were provided by two New Zealand Post Office radio stations, Makara Radio (receiving) west of Wellington and Himitangi Radio (transmitting) near Himatangi Beach. Only a limited number of voice circuits were available, and overseas toll calls were expensive.

* [http://www.radionz.co.nz/ Radio New Zealand website]
* [http://www.rnzi.com/index.php Radio New Zealand International website]
* [http://www.titahigolf.com/ Titahi Golf Club website, with pictures]
* [http://www.finda.co.nz/business/listing/yr0v/titahi-golf-club/map/ Location map for Titahi Golf Club]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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