- William F. Russell
William F. Russell may refer to:
*William Fiero Russell (1812 - 1896) US congressman from New York
*Bill Russell (born 1934) US basketball player
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William F. Russell may refer to:
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William Clark Russell — (February 24, 1844 – November 8, 1911) was a popular American writer of nautical novels and horror stories. William Clark Russell from Who When What Book, 1900 Born in New York City, he gained his experience of sea life during eight years service … Wikipedia
William Huntington Russell — (12 August 1809 – 19 May 1885) was co founder of Skull and Bones along with Alphonso Taft. He was a descendant of the most noted New England families, including Pierpont, Hooker, Bingham, and Willet.Born in Middletown, Connecticut, William was a… … Wikipedia
William Howard Russell — sobre 1854 … Wikipedia Español
William Howard Russell — (* 28. März 1821 in Lilyvale im County Dublin; † 11. Februar 1907) war irischer Journalist, bekannt durch seine Reportagen aus den Kriegsgebieten seiner Zeit. Russell gilt als erster moderner Kriegsberichterstatter. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 1.1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
William Howard Russell — (28 March, 1821 11 February, 1907) was an Irish reporter with The Times , and is considered to have been one of the first modern war correspondents, after he spent 22 months covering the Crimean War including the Charge of the Light… … Wikipedia
William James Russell — William James Russell, von Herbert Arnould Olivier William James Russell (auch Wilhelm Jonas Russell) (* 1830; † 1909) war ein britischer Chemiker und Professor.[1] … Deutsch Wikipedia
William D. Russell — (April 30, 1908 April, 1968) was an American film and television director. Born in Indianapolis, Indiana on April 30, 1908, he began his Hollywood career with the 1945 film Hollywood Victory Caravan . His career in film ended with his last film,… … Wikipedia
William Hepburn Russell — (January 31, 1812 – September 10, 1872) is often credited as one of the founders of the Pony Express.Russell was born in Burlington, Vermont, and died in Palmyra, Missouri.Russell, Alexander Majors, and William B. Waddell are often credited as… … Wikipedia
William Armstrong Russell — (1821 – 1879) was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China, and served as the Anglican Bishop of North China.Russell, son of Marcus Carew Russell, by Fanny Potts, was born at Ballydavid House, Littleton, County Tipperary, Ireland, in… … Wikipedia
William Martin Russell — William Willy Martin Russell (* 23. August 1947 in Whiston bei Liverpool) ist ein englischer Autor, Dramaturg, Lyriker und Komponist. Russell kommt aus einer Arbeiterfamilie. Als Jugendlicher arbeitete er als Friseurlehrling, später betrieb er… … Deutsch Wikipedia