Andreja Gomboc

Andreja Gomboc

Andreja Gomboc (born 1969) is a Slovene astrophysicist.

Gomboc was born in Murska Sobota, Slovenia.

In 1995 she graduated from the Faculty of mathematics and physics (Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko (FMF)) at the University of Ljubljana with a theme "What a falling of star into a black hole looks like." ("Kako je videti padec zvezde v črno luknjo.").

From 1995 to 2001 she was a postgraduate student of physics at FMF and also an assistant probationer. Under the tutelage of Andrej Čadež, she received her Ph.D. with her dissertation "Rapid luminosity changes due to interaction with a black hole" ("Hitre spremembe izseva ob interakciji s črno luknjo"). After obtaining her Ph.D., she became a member of the Department of Physics at FMF as an assistant.

As a Marie Curie scholar, she conducts advanced scientific study at the Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) of Liverpool John Moores University, England, which was founded in 1992. Here she also became a member of a project for observing optical counterparts of gamma ray bursts. She is a member of the planned ESA mission, GAIA, which will measure distances of hundreds of millions of stars in our Galaxy, and using spectrometers, their radial velocities. The space probe will be launched with a four-staged launch vehicle Soyuz/ST.

Her research fields are astronomy and astrophysics, the general theory of relativity, black holes, gamma ray bursts, and stellar rotation.

See also

* List of astronomers

External links

* [ Prekmurje research award 2002] sl icon
* Andreja Gomboc (2002): [ "Stellar Rotation from GAIA Spectra"] , [ arXiv]

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