

ProTracker is a tracker, a program for creating music savable as MOD-files. The most significant difference between ProTracker and other trackers is that ProTracker is based on the original tracker, SoundTracker. It also has more built-in tools than almost any other tracker and supports all aspects of the MOD file-format. (With the exception of 100-pattern modules between V3.0 and V3.50) If you don't count MIDI, the vast majority of all music on the Amiga is made using the original tracker, ProTracker, or a derivative.Fact|date=November 2007

ProTracker has become a standard for music and the MOD-files are even supported by most sample-based music programs on the PC. The user interface for ProTracker did not conform to the standard GUI guidelines but could coexist with other applications utilizing the Amiga's multitasking capabilities.

The original ProTracker was writen by Amiga Freelancers and released as public domain. A lot of more or less compatible trackers was soon released. New versions of ProTracker was released by different groups. Most known are Mushroom studios/Noxious and Cryptoburners who was the first to make a release with a different userinterface.

External links

* [ The Protracker guide]
* [ Tracker and modules history archive]

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