Rinaldo degli Albizzi

Rinaldo degli Albizzi

Rinaldo degli Albizzi (1370 - 1442) was a member of the Florentine family of the Albizzi. Together with Palla Strozzi, he was the main opponent of Cosimo de' Medici's rise in Florence.

After the Volterran revolt against Florence in 1428, Rinaldo degli Albizzi was sent to 'reacquire' Volterra from rebels led by priors and Giovanni di Contugi. Afterwards, Rinaldo incited Niccolò Fortebraccio to "attack the Lucchese under cover of some fictitious quarrel" ["Florentine Histories", Niccolò Machiavelli] , an action that led Florence to the conquest of Lucca. During this campaign, Rinaldo degli Albizzi was accused of attempting to increase his own wealth through sacking. He was eventually removed from his position and recalled to Florence.

Later, in the 1430s, Rinaldo convinced several prominent nobles to strike out against Cosimo de' Medici, whom he feared was getting too powerful. Eventually, Rinaldo helped Bernardo Guadagni, a candidate for a position among the Signori, pay off his debts, which had been disqualifying him to run for office. Guadagni won the position of Gonfalonier. Through Guadagni, Rinaldo summoned Cosimo to the palace, where he was captured. After a short trial, Cosimo was sentenced to 20 years' exile from Florence.

However, with the downturn of Florentine fortunes in the war with Milan, Cosimo returned with popular acclamation barely a year later, and Rinaldo was in his turn exiled. He died at Ancona.


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