142 Polana

142 Polana

Infobox Planet | minorplanet = yes | width = 25em | bgcolour = #FFFFC0
name=142 Polana
discovery_ref= [http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/NumberedMPs.html]
discoverer=Johann Palisa
discovered=January 28, 1875
mp_category=Main belt
orbit_ref= [ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/elgb/astorb.html]
epoch=December 31, 2006 (JD 2454100.5)
semimajor=361.672 Gm (2.418 AU)
perihelion=312.439 Gm (2.089 AU)
aphelion=410.905 Gm (2.747 AU)
period=1373.038 d (3.76 a)
avg_speed=19.07 km/s
dimensions=55.3 km
mass=1.8e|17 kg
density=2.0 g/cm³
surface_grav=0.0155 m/s²
escape_velocity=0.0292 km/s
sidereal_day=? d
axial_tilt=?° | pole_ecliptic_lat=? | pole_ecliptic_lon=?
single_temperature=~179 K

142 Polana is a very dark Main belt asteroid. It is a primitive carbonaceous asteroid of type F (a subdivision of more common C-type).

It is a major member of the Polana family, which is a subgroup of the Nysa family.

It was discovered by Johann Palisa on January 28, 1875, and named after the city of Pola (now Pula, Croatia) where he made the discovery.

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