Ferdinand II. (Aragón) — Ferdinand II. von Aragón Unterschrift Yo el Rey und Siegel Ferdinands des Katholisc … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ferdinand d'Aragon — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie différentes personnes partageant un même nom. Ferdinand d’Aragon peut désigner des souverains d’Aragon et un saint chrétien : Saint catholique Ferdinand d Aragon, évêque de Cajazzo (XIIIe siècle) … Wikipédia en Français
Ferdinand of Aragón, Duke of Calabria — (Spanish: Fernando de Aragón, Duque de Calabria) (1488 1550) was a Neapolitan aristocrat of royal blood who played a significant role in the Mediterranean politics of the Crown of Aragón in the early 16th century. He should not be confused with… … Wikipedia
Ferdinand d'aragon — Ferdinand Ier d Aragon Ferdinand Ier, dit le d Antequera et le Juste (1380 1416), roi d Aragon, de Sicile … Wikipédia en Français
Ferdinand I. (Aragón) — Ferdinand I. von Aragón Ferdinand I. el de Antequera genannt el Justo (der Gerechte) (* 28. November 1380 in Medina del Campo; † 2. April 1416 in Igualada) war König von Aragon und Sizilien und ab 1410 auch König von Sa … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ferdinand of Aragon — (1452 1516) King of Aragon as Ferdinand II (1479 1516). His marriage to Princess Isabella of Castile in 1469 made him king consort of Castile after she became queen of that country in 1474, and his inheritance of Aragon in 1479 was the… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Ferdinand of Aragon — noun the king of Castile and Aragon who ruled jointly with his wife Isabella; his marriage to Isabella I in 1469 marked the beginning of the modern state of Spain and their capture of Granada from the Moors in 1492 united Spain as one country;… … Useful english dictionary
Ferdinand II d'Aragon — Ferdinand II Ferdinand le Catholique Titre Roi de Castille 1474 … Wikipédia en Français
Ferdinand III de Naples — Ferdinand II d Aragon Ferdinand II Roi d Aragon … Wikipédia en Français
Ferdinand le Catholique — Ferdinand II d Aragon Ferdinand II Roi d Aragon … Wikipédia en Français