- Zetatron
A Zetatron is a high-voltage
vacuum tube device that generates a stream ofneutrons . The stream can be continuous, or rapidly pulsed on and off. It was invented bySandia National Laboratories , and is manufactured and marketed by theThermo Electron Corporation . Applications include research, explosives detection, well logging and body fat analysis.Cultural References
* Often seen as a user or server name on computer systems
* The name of a line of toys
* The name of a fictional corporation inStargate SG-1 References
* http://www.thermo.com/com/cda/product/detail/1,1055,14813,00.html
* Sandia Science News, October 1991
* http://hpschapters.org/riogrande/2006%20Spring%20Tech%20Mtg/Well%20Logging.pdf
* http://www.answers.com/topic/adrian-conrad
* http://www.grandrivertoys.com/Pages/products/Atomic_Blox_66_pc_Zetatron.htm
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