Hermann Wissmann

Hermann Wissmann

Hermann Wissmann (Wißmann in German) (September 4, 1853 – June 15, 1905) was a German explorer and administrator in Africa.

In 1880, Wissmann accompanied explorer Paul Pogge on a journey through the Congo Basin. In the eastern Congo, Pogge and Wissmann parted company. Pogge stayed to build an agricultural research station for a Congolese chief, while Wissmann trekked to the Indian Ocean via present-day Tanzania. Afterwards Wissmann was in the employ of King Leopold II of Belgium, who was in the process of creating his personal African empire, known as the Congo Free State.

Since the German East African Company was no longer able to control East Africa, it asked Bismark for help, which Bismark at first refused. In 1889, Wissmann was, however, appointed as Reichskommissar for the German East Africa region; and was tasked with suppression of the Abushiri Revolt led by Abushiri ibn Salim al-Harthi, being given one order, '= Win =', for Wismann had the reputation of regarding the Arabs as anemies of mankind. The German forces, along with British naval assistance, fortified Bagamoyo, Dar es Salaam, Tanga, and Pangani. The Germans, led by Wissmann, also fortified the interior garrison of Mpwapwa and reopened the main caravan route through the area, using Lts. Langheld, Sigle, Charles Stokes & Sergeant Bauer. Soon afterwards, Abushiri was arrested and executed in Pangani on December 16, 1889. In January 1890, Wissmann issued a general pardon to the remaining rebels. Wissmann was highly esteemed by his officers and non-commisioned officers for his human and technical competence. As times changed, however, he found himself harshly attacked for burning all villages and laying waste to agricultural fields, executing all rignleaders and tolerating no opposition. For General-Consul Michelies he was a military dictator. A Rear Admeral charged him with arrogance, tactlessness, being undiplomatic, who was no outstanding organizer or administrator, recognizingonly himself, others being ingorant slackers.

The term "Wissmanntruppe" was used for the military and police units under Wissmann's command. This consisted of German and non-German troops recruited from various African and Middle Eastern regions. It is a word modification of the more generally known "Schutztruppe" for German-employed military personnel in Africa.

External links

* [http://bagamoyo.freewebtools.com/about.html Description of the Wissmanntruppe]
*cite book
author=Hermann von Wissmann
publisher=E. S. Mittler

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