Robert Ken Woo, Jr.

Robert Ken Woo, Jr.

Robert Ken Woo, Jr., who goes by the name Bobby Woo, was the child claimed as the 200 millionth American by Life Magazine at his birth. He was born at 11:03 a.m on November 20th, 1967. The US Census Bureau had projected that the 200 millionth American would be born between 10:58am and 11:02am on that day. The 200 millionth baby was meant to be the one first born after 11am, but the Census Bureau delayed for 3 minutes so that then president Lyndon B. Johnson would be at the ceremony when the "Population Clock" passed 200 million.

Woo was born in Atlanta's Crawford Long Hospital. He graduated from law at Harvard University and became the first Asian American partner at King & Spalding, Atlanta's oldest law firm.

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