FUD (food)

FUD (food)

FUD (pronounced like the English word "food") is a brand name for hot dogs, sausages, and cold cuts produced by the Mexican company Sigma Alimentos, which itself is part of the ALFA industrial conglomerate.

Recently, Sigma Alimentos has licensed a US company to produce and distribute FUD branded products in the USA, principally to sell in areas of heavy Mexican immigration where the brand name is already well known.

The name FUD is an acronym for the Spanish words "Fino, Unico y Delicioso" (Refined, Unique & Delicious). There are other Spanish language neologisms coined by the Sigma Alimentos marketing department to promote FUD. For example, the word "Fudgolazo" as seen on Spanish language television and grocery store advertising, refers to a contest held by FUD for tickets to the 2006 FIFA World Cup ("golazo" is a Spanish word meaning a critical or important goal in a soccer game), and has no relation to fudge.

FUD products

Some FUD products are
*Hot Dogs both regular and turkey based, regular and jumbo size
*Vienna Sausages
*Virginia Ham and Virginia Style Turkey Ham
*FUD Snax, similar to Lunchables

External links

* [http://www.fud.com.mx/ Official FUD site]
* [http://www.sigma-alimentos.com/marcas_carnes.php Sigma Alimentos meat brands]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Fud — may refer to:*FUD, Fear, uncertainty and doubt, a marketing or political strategy *FUD, Female urination device *FUD (food), a Mexican brand of cold cuts and hot dogs See also *Elmer Fudd, a Warner Brothers cartoon character …   Wikipedia

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