- The Book of Blotar
The Book of Blotar is a book of rituals published by the
Odinic Rite for the purposes of celebratingOdinism . It is thought to be the best on the subject by adherents worldwide.POV|date=June 2008Published by The Odinic Rite 1993 on the direction of Heimgest OR. ISBN 0 950413 7 7 [This ISBN is as it is written in the book and on the Odinic Rite website. It is not in the standard 10 or 13 digit format and appears to be invalid]
History and background
The Book of Blotar shares a common source with, and contains much of the content of, the earlier published Book of Blots [The Book of BlotsCeremonies, Rituals & Invocations of The Odinic RiteComposed and edited by StubbaOdinic Rite London 1991ISBN 0 9504613 5 0] The rituals of the Odinic Rite were published individually by the forerunner of the O.R, "The Committee for the Restoration of the Odinic Rite." The O.R continued this practice and latterly distributed the appropriate monthly ritual with the O.R member's journal "ORBriefing". This cumbersome and costly arrangement led to the collection of the Rituals in a single volume. [ Introduction - Book of Blotar]
This book contains the 12 major monthly rituals of the
Odinic Rite , and Rites of Passage, a Healing Blot, Sword Naming, Land Reclamation, Banner Consecration, short invocations, daily rituals etc. Also in depth explanation of need and purpose of ritual, regalia etc.However, it should be noted that this is a text produced by and for the Odinic Rite, and the rituals and other content should not be taken as applying to any other
heathen group.Reviews
Edred Wodanson (E. Max Hyatt ) ofWodanesdag Press , stated, in an unsolicited comment on the Book of Blotar in his book 'A Way of Wyrd ' that many of the rites and invocations in it are "Based on the Odinic Rite's Book of Blotar', an Excellent compilation of Ritual as presently performed by Odinists in England and other parts of Europe. Well worth the expense of having it sent from overseas. Only available from The Odinic Rite."*
Robert N. Taylor wrote of the book in this [http://www.odinist.com/othala/showthread.php?t=84] magazine:Refimprove|date=June 2008"This is one of the best books on ritual to appear in this era of Odinism's rebirth. There is far too much crammed into this 108 page, spiral-bound, large format book to begin to describe it all in detail. For anyone serious about rituals and their performance this is a "must have" volume. Beginning with the need for ritual, the book goes on to give the basic format and structure of the Blots, as well as invocations, and then moves on to covering the monthly Blots, rituals of Namings, initiation, marriage rites, rites of passage, healing, sword naming, banner consecration et al.. It is well written and rises to the poetic more often than not. As one who often has the task of presiding as Gothi I found most of the Blots very inspiring. Often the rituals seemed a bit drawn-out in length and perhaps somewhat complex in nature, I say this from personal experience. I have fond that simple is usually best, but then again, none of these rituals are written in stone. Each individual can modify, simplify or add to them as they see fit. There is, as I have said, much to inspire here, and I can't recommend it enough for a serious Odinist."
*Michael Moynihan has said of the book: Refimprove|date=June 2008
"Billed as "the authentic rituals of the Odinic Rite," The Book od Blotar is an essential addition to the library of any modern Asatruar and Odinist. The contents of this hefty volume date back to certain "proto rituals" of the Rite from the Seventies, before they evolved into the elaborate and stirring ceremonies you will find here.Beginning with a history of the Blotar, there follows essays on the "Purpose and Need for Ritual," "Blot Structure," "Ritual Regalia," and a brief explanation of the Blotar themselves. The Odinic Rite has developed its own cycle of rituals which correspond to each month of the year, in contrast to many Asatruar who might hold celebration on the eight traditional feast days. Naturally, many of the OR Blotar correspond to the high holidays of Ostara, Midsummer, Winter Finding, and Yule, but one also finds ceremonies in honor of Labour, Family, Homeland, Life, Mind, Settlement and Heroes (Einheriar). There is also a unique structure to the Blotar, which at first might seem quite involved and more complicated than other Asatru rituals you may have worked with. After an Opening/Cleansing/Hallowing, there comes the Invocation/Reading and a remembrance of Ancestors and Successors, followed by the Rede/Geoldor/Petition/Jarl's Rally and finally the Memory Cup and Troth. Many of the OR's rituals are distinguished by a high degree of poetic power and beauty, which bring an increased level of inspiration, far beyond some of the more standard ritual approaches. The Book of Blotar is rounded out by a thorough section of Rites of Passage, Healings and other ceremonies. Even if you do not decide to follow these Blotar "by the letter," they offer much food for thought and stimulation, and you will find yourself referring to them often."
ee also
Odinic Rite External links
* [http://www.odinic-rite.org/books.html Book available] from the
Odinic Rite
* [http://www.geocities.com/odinistlibrary/OLArticles/Articles/BookofBlotarAppreciation.htm An Appreciation of the Book of Blotar] from theOdinist Library Notes and references
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.