Titus (usurper)

Titus (usurper)

Titus is one of the Thirty Tyrants, a list of Roman usurpers compiled by the author(s) of the often unreliable "Historia Augusta". Titus was said to have revolted against Maximinus Thrax, a Roman Emperor who ruled 235-238, after the revolt of Magnus.

Titus was a tribune of the Moors, who had been deposed by Maximinus and transferred to a civilian position. After the revolt of Magnus had been crushed, Titus, fearing for his life, reluctantly seized the power, having the purpled compelled on him by his soldiers. ["Historia" gives also the version that the Armenian bowmen (elsewhere Osroenians) elected Titus as they had been loyal to Emperor Alexander Severus, and for this reason they had been hated and insulted by Maximinian.] He ruled for six months, and "Historia" stated he deserved praises both home and abroad, but in the end Maximinus suppressed the revolt and killed Titus.

Also noteworthy is Titus's wife, Calpurnia of the Caesonii, and who had been a priestess, whose statue, in marble and golden bronze, was located in the Temple of Venus. She reportedly owned the pearls belonged to Cleopatra VII of Egypt, and a famous one hundred-pounds silver platter, with the histories of her noteworthy family.



* [http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Historia_Augusta/Tyranni_XXX*.html Tyranni Triginta xxxii]

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