- Suspensor
"For the fictional technology from the
Dune universe , seeSuspensor (Dune) "Suspensors are filamentous structural formations employed by
Fungi in holding azygospore between two strains ofhyphae .*Also used by plant
zygote s inangiosperm s in connecting theendosperm to anembryo . During embryo development in angiosperm seeds, normal development involves asymmetrical division of the unicellular embryo, inducing polarity. The smaller terminal cell divides to become the proembryo while the larger basal cell divides laterally to form the suspensor. The suspensor is analogous to a placental mammalian'sumbilical cord .References
*C.J. Alexopolous, Charles W. Mims, M. Blackwell, "Introductory Mycology, 4th ed." (John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken NJ, 2004) ISBN 0-471-52229-5
*Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece, "Biology, Seventh Edition" (Bejamin Cummings, San Francisco, CA 94111) ISBN 0-8053-6777-2
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