- Avenal State Prison
Infobox Prison
prison_name = Avenal State Prison (ASP)http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Visitors/images/aerialShots/ASP_8x10.jpgAerial View]
location = Avenal,California ,United States
coordinates = coord|35.975|-120.120
status = Operational
classification = low-medium
capacity = 2,920 (but houses 7,582 as of September 2007)
opened = 1987
closed =
managed_by =California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
director = James D. Hartley, Acting WardenAvenal State Prison (ASP) is a male-only California state prison in the city of Avenal, Kings County.
Current facility
The structures on ASP's 640 acres include "17 open dorm buildings, six 200-bed open dorm E-bed buildings, six converted gymnasiums, a 100-cell administrative segregation unit, and a 10-bed firehouse."California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. [http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Visitors/Facilities/ASP.html Avenal State Prison (ASP).] Accessed 11 Nov 2007.] It is a "low-medium security" or "Level II" prison with "open dormitories with secure perimeter fences and armed coverage."California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. [http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Visitors/docs/20071015-WEBmapbooklet.pdf California's Correctional Facilities.] 15 Oct 2007.] As of Fiscal Year 2006/2007, ASP had 1,603 staff and an annual budget of $136 million. As of September 2007, it had a design capacity of 2,920 but a total institution population of 7,582 (the largest among California state prisons).California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. [http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Reports_Research/Offender_Information_Services_Branch/Monthly/TPOP1A/TPOP1Ad0709.pdf Monthly Report of Population as of Midnight September 30, 2007.] ] ASP has been described as the "most overcrowded prison in the state [of California] "Furillo, Andy. Health care crisis behind bars: Three deaths in two months focus federal attention on state's most overcrowded facility. "Sacramento Bee", May 4, 2007.] ; its September 2007 occupancy rate was 259.7 percent. Inmate programs include: Narcotics anonymous, Alchoholics anonymous, SAP, autobody, metal fabrication, plumbing and electrical, PIA furniture, warehouse and egg production.
In the early 1980s, "almost everyone" in the town of Avenal desired the prison to be built to improve the economic status of the town.Walters, Dan. A Town That Wants Prison. "Sacramento Bee", May 12, 1985.] It was reportedly "the first prison to be solicited by a local community." As of 1984, the plans were to build "the largest enclosed security compound in the nation."New prison to be largest. "Daily Breeze" (Torrance, CA), July 18, 1984.]
Despite some opposition, Governor
George Deukmejian signed a bill into law in September 1985 to authorize "$117 million from existing prison construction funds to build the prison" [Deukmejian signs prison construction bills. "Daily Breeze" (Torrance, CA), September 25, 1985.] , andgroundbreaking occurred in December 1985. [Geissinger, Steve. Avenal gives new prison project keys to the city. "Daily Breeze" (Torrance, CA), December 19, 1985.] The first inmates arrived in January 1987. [State's First New Prison in 22 Years Opens in Avenal. "San Jose Mercury News", January 29, 1987.]According to newspaper articles, the original name of the prison was "California Correctional Institution at Avenal," which the Kings County Board of Supervisors changed to "Avenal State Prison" in December 1987. [Good, Bob. Kings County Renames Avenal Prison. "Fresno Bee", December 24, 1987.] According to the CDCR Web site, ASP "was originally known as Kings County State Prison. On February 22, 1988, it was officially named Avenal State Prison."
In 2001, a trap-neuter-return program was begun for
feral cat s that had lived on the prison grounds since it was built. [Brazil, Eric. [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/chronicle/archive/2001/09/09/MN46428.DTL&type=news A death sentence handed down to a prison colony of feral felines is commuted to life -- and sterilization.] "San Francisco Chronicle", September 9, 2001.] ASP officials stopped the program in February 2005 due to a perceived lack of effectiveness.Jimenez, Sarah. [http://www.alleycat.org/prison.html Prison cat program declawed; fur flies: Avenal's feral felines were humanely trapped, neutered and freed.] "Fresno Bee", September 25, 2006.] Subsequently "the prison traps cats and volunteers are allowed to pick them up at the prison." The organization Feral Paws Rescue continues to advocate for reinstatement of the trap-neuter-return program. [ [http://www.feral-paws-rescue.com Feral Paws Rescue page.] Accessed 11 Nov 2007.]In 2005-2006, ASP and
Pleasant Valley State Prison (PVSP) were "particularly affected" byValley fever , with "150 new cases from PVSP and 30 from ASP" in 2005 [Pappagianis, Demosthenes, and the Coccidioidomycosis Serology Laboratory (2007). [http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1196/annals.1406.011 Coccidioidomycosis in California State Correctional Institutions.] "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences" 1111 (1), 103–111.] and 514 at PVSP and 91 at ASP in 2006. [Furillo, Andy. [http://www.sacbee.com/111/story/328044.html Prison report cites valley fever risks. Construction may release spores that cause disease, increasing inmates' cases.] "Sacramento Bee", August 16, 2007.]The receiver of the California state prison health care system blamed three deaths among ASP inmates in December 2006 on a "complete breakdown in medical care coverage." [Schultz, E.J. [http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/876981/care_of_avenal_inmates_blasted_crowded_prison_gives_poor_health/index.html Care of Avenal inmates blasted: Crowded prison gives poor health coverage, state medical czar says.] "Fresno Bee", March 21, 2007.]
[ [http://prisontalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=174064&page=15 Everything Avenal - all questions information here please Part 1.] Prison Talk discussion thread, accessed 17 Dec 2007.]
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