HC Klein Zwitserland

HC Klein Zwitserland

HC Klein Zwitserland is a field hockey club from The Hague, Netherlands, which was founded on September 20, 1908. With 1.591 members – as of January 1, 2006 – it is the tenth club in the Netherlands. Although the club was officially founded in 1908, HCKZ is the result of a fusion in 1974 between HHIJC ("Haagsche Hockey en IJshockeyclub") and TOGO ("Tot Ons Genoegen Opgericht").

The first men's team of HC Klein Zwitserland ruled the Dutch league in the late 1970s and early 1980s, collecting a record number of titles: eight in a row (1977–1984). The first women's team returned to the top tier ("Hoofdklasse"), in 2001 with the help of Australia's superstar Alyson Annan.

Notable players from HCKZ

* Jan Albers
* Alyson Annan
* Naomi van As
* Tjeerd Borstlap
* Edo Buma
* Jaap-Derk Buma
* Maurits Crucq
* Geert-Jan Derikx
* Laurence Docherty
* Thijs de Greeff
* Maarten van Grimbergen
* Femke Kooijman
* Hans Kruize
* Hidde Kruize
* Roepie Kruize
* Ties Kruize
* Ron Steens
* Tim Steens
* Taeke Taekema
* Leonoor Voskamp
* Rochus Westbroek
* Eveline de Haan
* Sander Dreesmann
* Egbert Ho
* Dilip Tirkey
* Gagan Ajit Singh

External links

* [http://www.hckz.nl/ Official website HC Klein Zwitserland]

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