

Con-Dom is the power electronics musical project of Mike Dando, which was founded on 1 August, 1983. Renowned for its harsh intensity, Con-Dom utilises sound, image, and text, in the delivery of its wall of noise. The name Con-Dom is a shortened form of "Control-Domination", which is the major theme of the entire Con-Dom output. All aspects of control, domination, and manipulation are covered including mass media, religion and politics.

Con-Dom "Live Assaults" have taken place in a variety of unusual venues, such as a council house and a church crypt, which Mike Dando has stated is a way of removing his performances from the boundaries of the typical music/art/theatre scenes.

Con-Dom has frequently collaborated with The Grey Wolves both live and on recordings.


*Pig (Cassette) Order Ov Wolves
*Recycled Music (Cassette) RRRecords
*Scorched Earth Policy (Cassette) Old Europa Cafe
*Vilification (Cassette) Opus Dei Society
*Live Assault 1 / Live Assault 4 (Cassette) Control Domination
*This Sickness Faith (Cassette) Control Domination
*Dominance (Cassette) V
*Even More Racial Hatred (Cassette) Zeal SS
*Have Faith (Cassette) Broken Flag
*All In Good Faith (Cassette) Control Domination
*Enraptured Violence (Cassette) Control Domination
*Live Faith (2xCassette) Sounds For Consciousness Rape
*The Eighth Pillar - A Confession Of Faith (LP) Sounds For Consciousness Rape
*Oh Ye Of Little Faith (7") Tesco Organisation
*A Prince Of Our Disorder (CD3" + Cassette) Sounds For Consciousness Rape
*Promotional Materials (Cassette) Sounds For Consciousness Rape
*Acts Of Faith (CD3") Tesco Organisation
*The Will Lies Dormant (Cassette) Sounds For Consciousness Rape
*Hatred. The Second Sermon (7") Praxis Dr. Bearmann
*Righteousness. The Third Sermon (7") Pylon Recordings
*Servitude. The First Sermon (7") Xn Recordings
*All In Good Faith (CD) Functional Organisation
*Glory. The Sixth Sermon (7") Slaughter Productions
*Law. The Seventh Sermon (7") Power & Steel
*Love. The Fifth Sermon (7") Self Abuse Records
*Perversion At All Costs (3xCD) Red Stream Inc
*Retribution. The Fourth Sermon (7") Ant-Zen
*Sermon (7") Tochnit Aleph
*Subjection (Cassette) BloodLust!
*The Beautiful (CD) Control Domination
*Familiedrama / Pain (7") Praxis Dr. Bearmann
*Some People Never Got The Chance (7") Kubitsuri Tapes
*Holy Communion (2xCDr) Nuit Et Brouillard
*Rome Songs (10") Old Europa Cafe
*Control Domination (CD) Armed & Loaded Recordings
*Get Right With God (LP) Membrum Debile Propaganda
*Colour Of A Man's Skin (2x12" + 2x7") Control Domination Tesco Organisation
*Many Are Called But Few Get Up (12") Power & Steel
*Many Are Called But Few Get Up (Live) (CDr) Power & Steel
*Scorched Earth Policy (CD) Old Europa Cafe
*Consumer Electronics #5 (DVD)

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