

Q-Cup was an illegal franchise chain of cafes in California. During its operation, Q-Cup offered tea-based drinks and other foods.

Q-Taste International, Inc., the franchiser of Q-Taste and Q-Cup restaurants, sold six unregistered restaurant franchises to the Chinese community. Q-Taste International failed to provide the franchisees with the offering circular, as required by state law. Based on Q-Taste's violation of state law, the California Department of Corporations revoked the franchise registration of Q-Taste International and issued a Desist and Refrain Order to Q-Taste's president.

Despite the revocation of the franchise and the termination of the qtaste.com website, many of the individual Q-Cup restaurants remain in operation under the Q-Cup name. Other former Q-Cup cafes have switched to the name "Quickly".


* [http://www.corp.ca.gov/pressrel/05/corp/nr0505.htm#qt California Department of Corporations: News Release]
* [http://www.corp.ca.gov/enf/info/dr/05pdf/qtaste.pdf California Department of Corporation Revoke Q-Cup's Registration]
* [http://westfield.com/oakridge/ourstores/details/20663/ Q-Cup restaurant at a San Jose shopping center as of July, 2006]

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