Rana Bahadur — Shah (1775 1806) est le troisième roi du Népal. Il succède à son père à l âge de deux ans, sa mère Rajendra Laxmi puis son oncle Bahadur Shah exercent la régence. Sous son règne les Gurkhas envahissent le Tibet en 1788 puis en 1791. En 1799, il… … Wikipédia en Français
Rana de Nepal — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rana Bahadur Shah (* 1775 † 25 de abril de 1806) fue rey de Nepal entre los años 1777 y 1799, año en que fue obligado a renunciar. De personalidad excéntrica, el joven rey que ascendió al trono a los dos años a la… … Wikipedia Español
Rana dynasty — The Rana dynasty ruled the Kingdom of Nepal from 1846 until 1953, reducing the Shah monarch to a figurehead and making Prime Minister and other government positions hereditary. It is descended from one Bal Narsingh Kunwar (Ranaji) of Kaski, who… … Wikipedia
Jang Bahadur Rana — Prime Minister Jang Bahadur Rana Maharaja Jung Bahadur Rana (Nepali: जंग बहादुर राणा) (or Jang Bahadur Kunwar (Nepali: जंग बहादुर कुँवर), GCB, GCSI, June 18, 1816, Kathmandu, Nepal February 25, 1877, Kathmandu) was a ruler of Nepal and fo … Wikipedia
Jang Bahadur — Jung Bahadur (or Jang Bahadur), GCB, GCSI, (June 18, 1816, Kathmandu, Nepal February 25, 1877, Kathmandu) was a ruler of Nepal and founder of the Rana dynasty of Nepal. His real name was Bir Narsingh Kunwar but he became famous by the name Jang… … Wikipedia
Dev Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana — Teen Maharaja, Dev Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana (July 17, 1862 February 20, 1914) was Prime Minister of Nepal for only 144 days in 1901. Contents 1 Family and early life 2 Coup 3 Accession 4 Family life … Wikipedia
Chandra Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana — Field Marshal Maharaja Sri Teen Chandra Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana, GCB, GCSI, GCVO, GCMG, FRGS (8 July 1863 26 November 1929), was the fifth Prime Minister of Nepal from the Rana dynasty. He served in this capacity from 27 June 1901, following… … Wikipedia
Mohan Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana — Field Marshal Mohan Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana, GCB, GCIE, GBE (23 December 1885 6 January 1967) was the prime minister and foreign minister of Nepal from 30 April 1948 until 12 November 1951. He was the last prime minister from the Rana family,… … Wikipedia
Chandra Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana — (anglisiert auch als Chandra Shumsher Jung Bahadur Rana; nepali: चन्द्र शमशेर जङ्ग बहादुर राणा, Candra Śamśer Jaṅg Bahādur Rāṇā; * 8. Juli 1863; † 26. November 1929) war vom 27. Juni 1901 bis 26. November 1929 Premierminister von Nepal. In seine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sher Bahadur Deuba — (* 13. Juni 1946 in Ruwa Khola Ashigram 5, Distrikt Dadeldhura, Zone Mahalkali, Region Fernwest (Sudur Pashchim), Nepal) ist ein nepalesischer Politiker. Biografie Deuba begann sich bereits früh politisch zu engagieren und befand sich wegen… … Deutsch Wikipedia