Joaquín de la Pezuela

Joaquín de la Pezuela

Joaquín de la Pezuela y Sánchez Muñoz de Velasco, marqués de Viluma (1761, Naval, Huesca, Spain—1830, Madrid) was a Spanish military officer and viceroy of Peru (from July 7, 1816 to January 29, 1821, during the War of Independence).


Pezuela was born into a hidalgo family originally from Santander. He attended the Artillery College in Segovia. In the army, he fought in the siege of Gibraltar, and later against the French in Guipúzcoa and Navarre, in 1793 and 1794. In 1805 he went to America as head of the army in Alto Perú (now Bolivia).

From there he went to Peru, when Viceroy José Fernando de Abascal y Sousa named him directory of the Royal Artillery. He reorganized the artillery, with emphasis on its modernization and technical aspects. In 1813 he was promoted to brigadier.

The wars of independence

A defender of the Spanish Crown in South America, Pezuela fought the insurgents. He defeated Manuel Belgrano on October 19, 1813 in the Battle of Vilcapugio and again on November 14, 1813 in the Battle of Ayohuma (in present-day Bolivia). After these victories he advanced to the south, occupying the cities of Jujuy (northern Argentina) on May 27, 1814 and Salta on July 25, 1814. However, he was forced to withdraw under continuing attacks by General Martín Miguel de Güemes's gauchos. He lost 1,200 men on the retreat back to Jujuy.

In 1815 he fought José Rondeau, whom he defeated in the Battle of Sipe-Sipe (Viluma). This battle took place on November 29, 1815 near Cochabamba, Alto Perú. It is said to be one of the most serious defeats suffered by the insurgents in the South American Wars of Independence. The insurgents lost 2,000 men and all their artillery.

For his success, in 1816 Pezuela was promoted to lieutenant general and given the title "marqués de Viluma". By royal order dated October 15, 1815, he was named interim viceroy of Peru to replace Abascal. The following year he also became captain general of Peru.

In 1819 he was attacked in Callao by the squadron of Thomas Cochrane, and was forced to flee the port.

He held the position of viceroy until January 29, 1821, when he was removed by the Royalist leaders in Peru. His second in command, Lieutenant General José de la Serna was named to succeed him. Pezuela returned to Spain in 1825, where he was captain general of New Castile. He died in Madrid in 1830.

His son, Juan de la Pezuela y Ceballos, conde de Cheste (1809-1906), born in Lima, was a general in Spain, a conservative politician, and a man of letters. He was minister of the navy and of commerce in the Spanish cabinet, and later a senator.

External links

*es icon [ Short biography]
*es icon [ His military career]

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