

SM-liiga Team
team_name = KalPa
bg_color = #F20000
text_color = yellow
league = SM-liiga
founded = 1929
history = KalPa
1929 - present
arena = Niiralan monttu (capacity 5,225)
city = Kuopio, Finland
colors = black, yellow
generalmanager = Jukka Pennanen
headcoach = Pekka Virta
teamcaptain = Sami Kapanen

The KalPa is an ice hockey team in the SM-liiga. They play in Kuopio, Finland at the Niiralan monttu.

Team history

Established in 1929, the full name of the company that runs the representative team is "KalPa Hockey Oy". The majority of the company is owned by NHL players Sami Kapanen and Kimmo Timonen. Kapanen is the majority owner, controlling 50.5% of the franchise. Timonen owns 8%.

During the 2004-05 NHL lockout Timonen, Kapanen, and fellow NHL player Adam Hall were playing for KalPa. After winning the Mestis championship, KalPa was returned to the SM-liiga for the 05-06 season, after being relegated 6 years earlier in 1999.

2008-09 Team

Notable players

* Adam Hall
* Sami Kapanen
* Tomas Kurka
* Kimmo Timonen
* Olli Jokinen

Retired numbers

*1 - Pasi Kuivalainen
*27 - Jouni Rinne

External links

* [http://www.kalpa-hockey.fi KalPa official web site]
* [http://www.juniorikalpa.net KalPa junior official web site]
* Meltzer, Bill [http://www.nhl.com/nhl/app/?service=page&page=NewsPage&articleid=331672 NHL.com article on KalPa] . Retrieved 07-11-07.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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