

Prim may refer to either of the following:

* Dolní Přím, a village in Bohemia, as "Nieder Prim" (Lower Prim) site of the Battle of Königgrätz
* Prim, Arkansas in Cleburne County, Arkansas
* a river in Baden-Württemberg, see
*Primitive (geometry), the simplest form of a geometrical figure or shape
*Juan Prim, Spanish general and statesman
*Robert C. Prim, a mathematician and computer scientist
*Prim's algorithm, a graph algorithm created by Robert C. Prim
*Presence and Instant Messaging or PRIM, a proposal of a standard protocol for instant messenging
*A sweet, spreadable variant of fløtemysost (made from whey, cream and sugar)
*Prim, a Czech watch manufactory since 1949

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  • əprimə — «Əprimək»dən f. is …   Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti

  • prim — prim·er; prim·i·ces; prim·i·tive·ly; prim·i·tive·ness; prim·i·tiv·ism; prim·i·tiv·i·ty; prim·i·tiv·ization; prim·ly; prim·ness; prim·rosy; prim·sie; prim·u·la; prim·u·la·ce·ae; prim·u·la·les; prim·u·lav·er·in; prim·u·line; prim·u·li·nus;… …   English syllables

  • PRIM (J.) — PRIM JUAN (1814 1870) Parmi les nombreux généraux espagnols qui ont joué un rôle prépondérant dans la politique espagnole, après la guerre d’Indépendance et surtout grâce aux guerres coloniales en Amérique et aux guerres carlistes en Espagne,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Prim — (von lateinisch primus ‚der erste‘) kann verschiedene Bedeutungen haben: von Primus in der Mathematik bezeichnet das Adjektiv prim die Eigenschaft einer Zahl, eine Primzahl zu sein, bzw. relativ prim die Eigenschaft zweier Zahlen,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • prim´ly — prim «prihm», adjective, prim|mer, prim|mest, verb, primmed, prim|ming. –adj. precise, neat, proper, or formal in a stiff way: »friends…staid and prim, of evangelical tendencies ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • prim — adj Prim, priggish, prissy, prudish, puritanical, straitlaced, stuffy mean excessively concerned with what one regards as proper or right. Prim and priggish (see also COMPLACENT) both imply an excessive and conscious fastidiousness in manners and …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • prim — [prım] adj [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: Perhaps from Old French prin excellent, fine , from Latin primus; PRIME1] 1.) very formal and careful in the way you speak and behave, and easily shocked by anything rude ▪ She looked prim and nervous in her… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • prim — [ prım ] adjective 1. ) very careful about your behavior and appearance, and easily shocked by what other people do or say: prim and proper 2. ) prim clothes are neat, sensible, and show very little of your body: wearing a prim Victorian dress ╾… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Prim — Prim, a. [OF. prim, prin, prime, first, principal. sharp, thin, piercing, fr. L. primus first. See {Prime}, a.] Formal; precise; affectedly neat or nice; as, prim regularity; a prim person. Swift. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Prim — 〈f. 20〉 1. 〈kath. Kirche〉 morgendl. Gebetstunde 2. 〈Mus.〉 = Prime (2) 3. 〈Sp.; Fechten〉 = Prime (3) [zu lat. primus „der erste“] * * * prim <Adj.> [rückgeb. aus ↑ Primzahl] (Math.) …   Universal-Lexikon

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