Rotbold III of Provence

Rotbold III of Provence

Rotbold III (also "Rothbold", "Rotbald", "Rodbald", "Roubaud", or "Rotbaud"; died 1014 or 1015) was the Count and Margrave of Provence from 1005 to his death. He was the only son of Rotbold II and Emilde, daughter of Stephen, Viscount of Gévaudan. He inherited all his father's titles on his death in 1008. He is an obscure person, difficult to differentiate from his father.

He was the first husband of Ermengard, later wife of Rudolf III of Burgundy. He left two sons, referred to as stepsons of the king of Burgundy, named Hugh and William III. He left one daughter, Emma, who married William III Taillefer, Count of Toulouse, and thus brought the margravial title in Provence to the House of Toulouse.


* [ Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Provence.]
*Lewis, Archibald R. " [ The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 718–1050] ". University of Texas Press: Austin, 1965.

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