

Techie is a term, derivative of the word "technology", for a person who displays a great, sometimes even obsessive, interest in technology, high-tech devices, and particularly computers. Some techies express a disregard for any technology that could possibly be considered obsolete, even if the technology or process in question might only be considered obsolete within the techie community. Consequently, techies are also often early adopters. With the increased spending power of techies, a few media outlets exist that cater solely to them, most notably "Wired", Slashdot, and, while it existed, TechTV. Geeks or nerds are often also considered to be techies; however, the reverse is not necessarily true and more people who would not be considered "geeks" are becoming techies, especially with the advancement of technology in recent years.

"Techie" is also used as a nickname (without pejorative connotations) for a student from a university with the name "Technology" in its title, such as Cal Tech, Georgia Tech, MIT, IIT, NJIT, FIT and Virginia Tech.fact|date=April 2008

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  • Techie — est un terme dérivé du mot anglais technology ; il désigne une personne qui affiche un grand, voire obsédant, intérêt pour les technologies, les appareils électroniques, et particulièrement les ordinateurs. Quelques techies voient d un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • techie — tech‧ie [ˈteki] also techy noun techies PLURALFORM [countable] informal COMPUTING a person who works in computing or in some other technological industry …   Financial and business terms

  • techie — one well versed in the latest technology, by 1984 …   Etymology dictionary

  • techie — [tek′ē] n. Informal 1. TECHNICIAN (sense 3) 2. a person with training or expertise in a technology, esp. computer technology …   English World dictionary

  • techie — [“teki] 1. n. a student in a technical or engineering college. □ Does one guy like Martin prove that all techies are nerds? □ Of course, one groovy guy proves that techies aren’t nerds, right? 2. n. a person with technical skills or knowledge. □… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • techie — UK [ˈtekɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms techie : singular techie plural techies informal someone who knows a lot about technology or computers, especially as their job …   English dictionary

  • techie — noun Etymology: by shortening & alteration from technician Date: 1970 a person who is very knowledgeable or enthusiastic about technology and especially high technology • techie adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Techie — Este artículo está huérfano, pues pocos o ningún artículo enlazan aquí. Por favor, introduce enlaces hacia esta página desde otros artículos relacionados. Techie …   Wikipedia Español

  • techie — [[t]te̱ki[/t]] techies N COUNT Some people refer to someone who works in a technological industry, especially computing, as a techie. [INFORMAL] …   English dictionary

  • techie — /tek ee/, n. Informal. 1. a technical expert, student, or enthusiast, esp. in the field of electronics. 2. a technician, as for a stage crew. Also, tekkie. [1980 85; TECH(NICAL) + IE] * * * …   Universalium

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