

Stefano Belisari (born July 30 1961), aka Elio, is the founder of the Italian rock band Elio e le Storie Tese. He performs as the lead vocalist and plays the transverse flute (which he degreed in at the music conservatory), and sometimes the electric guitar and the electric bass. The band has been active in Italy since 1980, and perform regularly in concert.

Elio also graduated on December 20 2002 from the Politecnico di Milano with a M.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering, after having dropped out several years previous to his successful return.

The texts of his songs are eclectic, political and frequently hilarious. Belisari lists Frank Zappa as a primary influence and this reflects itself in the variety of both lyrical and musical stylings. Perhaps the best and most outrageous tune introduces the audience to turd-hero Shpalman. For more see the band's official website.

External links

* [http://www.elioelestorietese.it Official Site (in Italian)]

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