- Schweizer Bibliothek
Schweizer Bibliothek (that means “Swiss Library”) is a twenty-volume compilation of Swiss books, published in 2005/2006. The wide assortment of writers from all around the country should represent 20th century’s Swiss literature by twenty of the most important Swiss writers.
The collection was compiled by «
Das Magazin », a weekend-magazine enclosed to different newspapers (namelyTages-Anzeiger ,Basler Zeitung ,Berner Zeitung ,Solothurner Tagblatt andTages-Anzeiger s).Editing of the volumes: One volume came out every two weeks from 9th December 2005 to the middle of Mai 2006. The compilation was made by different experts:
Peter von Matt ,Corina Caduff ,Werner Morlang ,Peter Utz ,Stefan Zweifel and reviewers of different newspapers (e.g.Basler Zeitung, Berner Zeitung, Tages-Anzeiger)The hardback books are high-grade but designed simple by graphician Ludovic Balland (Studio „The Remingtons“): No cover pictures, but big colored titles, punched into the front cover.
The „Tages-Anzeiger-Magazin“ once was a very writer-friendly magazine. Obvious, that ist successor, «Das Magazin», is interested in literature, too. Readings with famous writers were organized: (
Salman Rushdie ,Ian McEwan usw.)The 20 Books
Friedrich Glauser : „Matto regiert“ (In Matto's Realm , 1936)2.
Markus Werner : „Bis bald“ (1992)3.
Alice Rivaz : „Schlaflose Nacht“ („Jette ton pain“, original in 1979)4.
Max Frisch : „Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän“ ("Man in the Holocene ", 1979)5.
Ruth Schweikert : „Erdnüsse, Totschlagen“ (1994)6.
Friedrich Dürrenmatt : „Der Verdacht“ ("the pledge ", 1953)7.
Gertrud Leutenegger : „Vorabend (Buch)“ (1975)8.
Niklaus Meienberg : „St. Fiden Paris Oerlikon“ (1972-1992, Reportagensammlung)9.
Peter Weber : „Der Wettermacher“ (1993)10.
Nicolas Bouvier : „Der Skorpionsfisch“ (original is French, 1981 in German)11.
Thomas Hürlimann : „Das Gartenhaus“ (1989. English = „the couple“)12.
Agota Kristof : „Das grosse Heft“ (1986 original "Le grand cahier", English = „the notebook“)13.
Hugo Loetscher : „Der Immune“ (1975)14.
Adolf Muschg : „Liebesgeschichten“ (1972)15.
Urs Widmer : „Der blaue Siphon“ (1992)16. Robert Walser: „Der Gehülfe“ (1918)
Peter Bichsel : „Die Jahreszeiten (Roman)“ (1967)18.
Blaise Cendrars : „Moloch. Das Leben des Moravagine “ (1926)19.
Fleur Jaeggy : „Die seligen Jahre der Züchtigung“ (Italian original 1989)20.
Gerhard Meier : „Der schnurgerade Kanal“ (1977)External links
* http://www.schweizer-bibliothek.ch/
* http://www.dasmagazin.ch/
* http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.