Pascal Riché

Pascal Riché

Pascal Riché (born June 1962) is a French journalist, co-founder of "Rue 89" along with Arnaud Aubron, Michel Lévy-Provençal, Laurent Mauriac, Nicole Pénicaut and Pierre Haski.


Pascal Riché is the son of the medievist historian Pierre Riché. He is a former alumni of Sciences Po and of the "Centre de formation des journalistes" (CFJ) journalist school. He started his journalist career in "Ouest-France", the largest regional newspaper in France, and "La Tribune de l'Economie", before joining "Libération" in 1989. There, he headed the economy service until 2000, when he was named Washington bureau chief (2000-2006). He then became Op-ed editor of the daily.

Following the crisis at "Libération", Riché resigned from his functions and co-founded in March 2007 the Internet newspaper "Rue 89".

He also has been a columnist for several media : "DS magazine", "TPMCafe", "France Culture".


He is the author of "L'union monétaire de l'Europe", with Charles Wyplosz, and "La Guerre de Sept ans, histoire secrète du franc fort 1989-1996" with Eric Aeschimann, which earned the IFG Prize of the Best economic book of the year.

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