Passenger information system

Passenger information system

A passenger information system is an electronic information system which provides real time passenger information. It may include both predictions about arrival and departure times, as well as information about the nature and causes causes of disruptions. It may be used both physically within a Transportation hub and remotely using a Web browser or Mobile device.


Current operational information on service running is collected from automatic vehicle location systems and from control systems, including Incident capture systems . This information can be compared by computers with the published service timetable to generate a prediction of how services will run in the next few minutes to hours.

This may be informed by additional information: for instance, bus services will be affected by congestion on the road network, while all services may be affected by adverse weather conditions.


Information may be delivered via any electronic media, including:
*telephone (either a manned bureau service or an automated answering system)
*touch screen kiosks for self service (e.g. in customer offices)
*internet through a website
*PDA or mobile phone (typically using SMS or WAP] )

Additional considerations include:
*How the system will present information for disabled travellers
*Whether the system will be able to provide information in multiple languages


The information provided by a passenger information system depends on its location, and the technical scope (eg how big the display screen is)

At a station or stop, it is normal to provide up to date predictions of:
*Which service is operated by the next vehicle to arrive, including its route and destination?
*When this vehicle will arrive?
*How closely it is running to timetable?
*Similar information for the following few services.
*General advice on current travel disruptions that may be useful to the passenger in understanding the implications for their travel plans.

On a vehicle, it is normal to provide up to date predictions of:
*What is the next station or stop?
*When it will arrive?
*How closely it is running to timetable?
*Advice on connecting services.

Personalised channels (web, mobile device, or kiosk) will normally be set up to mimic the view from a station or stop but may in addition be linked to journey planners. Using such systems a passenger may (re)plan his/her journey to take into account current circumstances (such as cancelled services or excessive delays).

Examples of passenger information

Passenger information systems in Germany

Deutsche Bahn AG offers a Travel Information System (RIS). This determines actual train positions relative to the published schedule as well as known impediments to operation and prognoses for the anticipated arrival and departure times of the trains.

This information is made available to the train conductor (via SMS) as well as to the passenger via loudspeaker in the train station or schedule boards on the internet ( The VRR (( and VRS ( transportation schedule information systems also process RIS data.

The data can also be queried in real time via mobile terminal devices like |PDAs, and mobile phones over WAP and i-mode.



Passenger information systems in the UK

National rail stations are equipped with visual platform displays which indicate the next service or services from the platform. Audio announcements are made to confirm these. Additionally, concourses and ticket offices have large screen displays which show all of the services available at the station for the next hour or more, and (at major stations) the full route of the service and any restrictions applicable (eg ticket types, catering services, bicycle carriage).

This information is available online at and on mobile devices

London Underground has “Countdown” displays on each platform at each station. These are simpler than the national rail displays as in most cases each platform serves only a single line and there are fewer variations in carriage restrictions. Audio announcements are also made regularly.

Buses are operated by local operating companies but in close partnership with local authorities. The deployment of real time bus information systems is a gradual process which currently extents to around half of the national fleet and a high proportion of town-centre stops, but relatively suburban and rural stops. Audio announcement (on or off bus) is relatively rare, although London and some other metropolitan areas have recently seen significant increases.

There is a variety of electronic services available through SMS which cover large parts of the UK’s public transport network, and many web sites provide access to information from bus or train real time systems. Most of this is single-mode, but the Government-sponsored Transport Direct project provides journey planning across all transport modes (including private car) and is increasingly linked to real-time information systems.

ee also

*Passenger information
*Dynamic Passenger Information (DPI)
*Hamburger Hochbahn (HHA): Passenger Information and Management System
*Delfi protocol: Germany-wide passenger information from point to point []
*Real Time Information Group
*CEN Transmodel, IFOPT and SIRI technical specifications and standards.

External links

* [ DB travel information: current traffic situation]
* [ An alternative entry form for Deutsche Bahn AG travel information]
* [ Bus & Train explained: Guide to travel information]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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