- Foster High School
Foster High School is located in
Tukwila, Washington . It serves students from 9th grade to 12th grade. It is part of Tukwila School District 406.This is not a very large district and space is often in high demand. This school is part of the Bill and Melinda Gates small school program. The school is separated into three small schools; the experience academy, the discovery academy, and the arts academy. The main focus of the small schools are as follows:
Experience Academy- Hands on learning, no lecture settings, learning outside of the classroom.
Discovery Academy- Job shadows, career and future planning, self discovery.
Arts Academy- Subjects are looked at through artistic points of view, art exhibitions annually held.
Contact information:
4242 South 144th StreetTukwila, WA 98168Phone (206) 901-7900Fax (206) 901-790District Website: [http://www.tukwila.wednet.edu]
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