- Brass quintet
A brass quintet is a five-piece musical ensemble composed of
brass instrument s. The most common instrumentation is twotrumpet s orcornet s, one French horn, onetrombone oreuphonium baritone , and onetuba or bass trombone. As an ensemble type, the brass quintet is very flexible, with a repertoire encompassing musical genres from madrigals tojazz and everything in between. The instrumentation for a brass quintet is very flexible. Oftentrumpet s will double onpiccolo trumpet s andflugelhorn s. In some pieces the French horn is replaced by atrombone . In some ensembles aeuphonium subtitutes for the trombone part. While atuba is considered standard, the range and style of many pieces lends themselves to being played on bass trombone. Additionally some pieces call for the use ofpercussion instruments , particularlytambourine andsnare drum .The contemporary brass quintet was started in the late 1940's by two different groups operating independently--the Chicago Brass Quintet and the New York Brass Quintet. Two members of the Chicago Brass Quintet can arguably be credited with helping plant the seed for today's success of the brass quintet medium: Arnold Jacobs, tubist of the CBQ was teacher to the two founders Daellenbach and Watts of the Canadian Brass, while Renold Schilke, trumpet player in the CBQ and master craftsman, was mentor to the entire group, successfully crafting the first-ever matched set of gold-plated quintet brass instruments. Canadian Brass has gone on to establish both the style and popularity of the quintet medium throughout the world having performed more than five thousand concerts and having sold more than 500,000 quintet music books for performers around the world, affirming the rise of the brass quintet as a world-wide phenomenon.Famous brass quintets
American Brass Quintet
*Annapolis Brass Quintet
*Atlantic Brass Quintet
*Boston Brass [http://www.bostonbrass.com Home Page]
*Canadian Brass
*Carolina Brass
*Center City Brass Quintet
* [http://www.chameleonbrass.com Chameleon Brass Quintet]
*Dallas Brass
*Empire Brass
*Fine Arts Brass [http://www.fineartsbrass.co.uk Home Page]
*German Brass
*Geneva Brass Quintet
* Gomalan Brass Quintet [http://www.gomalanbrass.com Home Page]
*Harmonic Brass
*Itter Brass [http://www.itterbrass.nl Home Page]
*Jubilate Brass
*Kickin' Brass
*Kronwerk Brass
*Metales M5 [http://www.metalesm5.com Official Site]
*Meridian Arts Ensemble
*NK Brass [http://www.NKBrass.com Home Page]
*Obsidian Brass Quintet [http://www.obsidianbrass.com Home Page]
* [http://www.oompahbrass.com Oompah Brass]
*Parma Brass Quintet [http://www.parmabrass.it Home Page]
*Quadruple Flats
*Rhythm & Brass
*St. Louis Brass
*Spanish Brass [http://www.spanishbrass.com/sblm_ang.html Home Page]
*Stockholm Chamber Brass
*Synergy Quintet
*True North Brass [http://www.truenorthbrass.com Home Page]
*Les Yeux Brass [http://www.LesYeuxBrass.ca Home Page]
*Imperial Brass [http://www.imperialbrass.com Home Page]
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