

Lorentz may refer to:

In literature:

* Friedrich Lorentz, author of works on the Pomeranian language
* Pare Lorentz (1905-1992), American author and film director

In physics:

* Hendrik Lorentz (1853–1928), Dutch physicist and Nobel Prize winner
* Lorentz factor, Doppler effect
* Lorentz Force, the force exerted on a charged particle in an electromagnetic field
* Lorentz transformation, the formula that provides the mathematical backbone for Einstein's theory of special relativity.
* The Lorentz group, the group containting all Lorentz transformations
* Lorentz-Cauchy Distribution, a distribution used in fitting peaks in a spectrum
* Lorenz attractor, a butterfly-shaped chaotic map

In other fields:

* Lorentz (crater), crater on the Moon
* Hendrikus Albertus Lorentz (1871-1944), Dutch explorer and diplomat
* Lorentz National Park, a national park in Indonesian New Guinea, named for Hendrikus Albertus Lorentz
* Lorentz Reige (b. 1990), Swedish dancer

ee also

* Lorenz, disambiguation page, spelled without the 't'

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  • Lorentz — Lorentz,   1) Hendrik Antoon, niederländischer Physiker, * Arnheim 18. 7. 1853, ✝ Haarlem 4. 2. 1928; 1878 1912 Professor in Leiden, dann Direktor des Teyler Laboratoriums in Haarlem. Lorentz erklärte 1875 auf der Grundlage der Maxwell Theorie… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Lorentz — Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, Physiker, geb. 18. Juli 1853 in Arnheim (Niederlande), studierte in Leiden, ward 1872 Lehrer an der Burgeravondschool in Arnheim und 1878 Professor an der Universität Leiden. Er arbeitete besonders über kinetische… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Lorentz — (Hendrik Antoon) (1853 1928) physicien néerlandais. Ses travaux, capitaux, sur l électromagnétisme permirent à Einstein d élaborer sa théorie de la relativité. P. Nobel 1902 (avec P. Zeeman) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lorentz — (izg. lòrenc), Hendrik Antoon (1853 1928) DEFINICIJA nizozemski fizičar, Nobelova nagrada 1902 …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Lorentz — [lō̂′rents] Hendrik Antoon [hen′drik än′tōn] 1853 1928; Du. physicist …   English World dictionary

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