General epistles

General epistles

General epistles (also called Catholic Epistles) are books in the New Testament in the form of letters. They are termed "general" because for the most part their intended audience seems to be Christians in general rather than individual persons or congregations as is the case with the Pauline epistles. However, 2 John and 3 John are included in this group despite their addresses respectively to the "elect lady", speculated by many to be the church itself, and to "Gaius", about whom there has been much speculation but little in the way of conclusive proof as to his identity.

There has been considerable speculation as to the authorship of these works. Some scholars believe 2 Peter to be a pseudepigraphal work.

The epistles of James and Jude are traditionally attributed to Jesus' brothers James and Jude (See the article on James for a discussion of the relationship).

Listed in order of their appearance in the New Testament, the General Epistles are:

*Epistle to the Hebrews
*Epistle of James
*First Epistle of Peter
*Second Epistle of Peter
*First Epistle of John
*Second Epistle of John
*Third Epistle of John
*Epistle of Jude
*Revelation of John (also an Apocalypse)

It was traditionally thought that Paul wrote Hebrews, but its style of writing and theological emphases have led scholars to conclude that it is not Pauline.

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External links

* [ Catholic Encyclopedia: Catholic Epistles]

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