

A malletier is, in French, literally a trunk-maker, or manufacturer of luggage and suitcases. [1].



French philosopher Denis Diderot and Jean d'Alembert made mention of a Malletier and his techniques in their Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des métiers et des arts (1713-1784) [2]: [3]

Notable Malletiers

French Malletiers

Most famous historical malletiers include Bazar du Voyage, La Malle Bernard, Au Départ, Au Touriste, Moynat, Goyard, and Louis Vuitton.

Le Bazar du Voyage, established in 1843 and currently disappeared, is known to be the oldest malletier.

La Malle Bernard, established in 1846, is one of the first malletiers to have developed a complete line of luggage and remains as the "oldest trunk maker in existence." [4]

Moynat was established in Paris in 1849 by Pauline Moynat. The House had its own factory in Paris. The store located at the corner of the Avenue de l'Opéra remained opened for one hundred years. [5]

La Maison Goyard opened its boutique in 1853 at 233, rue Saint-Honoré in Paris. Edmé Goyard worked as a malletier then known as Maison Morel (founded in 1792), which his son, François bought out in 1853. At that time, the company was formally renamed Goyard. Goyard became a favorite malletier of the international high society including the Grand Duke of Russia, the Maharajah de Kapurthala, and The Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Goyard is known for their special orders. [6]

Louis Vuitton, founded in 1854, was the first malletier to manufacture a flat-topped trunk, "gray Trianon canvas flat trunk" that was lightweight and airtight. All trunks before this had rounded tops for water to run off, and thus could not be stacked. It remains as the world's most popular luggage maker today. [7]

Malletiers outside France

Outside of Europe, malletiers include Haskell Brothers, MM Secor, Clinton, Hartmann, Oshkosh, Molloy, Torode, Truesdale, Wallace, and Taylor.

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