La Loba

La Loba

Infobox Film
name = La Loba

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director = Rafael Baledón
producer = Jesús Sotomayor Martínez
writer = Ramón Obón
narrator =
starring = Kitty de Hoyos
music = Raúl Lavista
cinematography = Raúl Martínez Solares
editing = Rafael Ceballos
distributor = Columbia Pictures
released = 1966 (USA)
runtime = 85 mins
country = flagicon|Mexico Mexico
language = Spanish
budget =
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amg_id =
imdb_id = 0130087

"La Loba", also known as "Los Horrores del Bosque Negro" and "The She-Wolf", is a 1965 Mexican horror film directed by Rafael Baledón and starring Kitty de Hoyos as a female werewolf.

Plot summary

A young woman from a rich Mexican family is under a curse that causes her to transform into a wolf-woman at night and kill people.

External links

*imdb title|id=0130087|title=La Loba

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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