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  • Mawlawi Mohammed Islam Mohammadi — is a former Taliban governor and later a member of the National Assembly of Afghanistan. He is famous for being governor of the Bamyan Province in Afghanistan during the time the Buddhas of Bamyan were destroyed by Taliban forces.He was… …   Wikipedia

  • Mawlawi Afzal — was an Afghan clergyman from Barg i Matal, Nuristan Province, who studied in Deoband, India. He later studied at Akora, Pakistan, before teaching at a madrassa in Karachi, and then in his native village of Badmuk.[1] Following the Saur Revolution …   Wikipedia

  • Mawlawi Tawagozi — Ebdulrehîm Mela Seîd Mawlawi Tawagozi, (1806 1882), was a Kurdish poet and sufi. His pen name was Madum or Madumi, but he is also known as Mewlewi Kurd. Contents 1 Early life 2 Works 3 References 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Mawlawi (Islamic title) — Part of a series on Islam Usul al fiqh (The Roots of Jurisprudence) Fiqh Quran and Sunnah Taqlid (imitation) Ijtihad (interpretation) …   Wikipedia

  • Mawlawi Mohammad Yunus Khalis — Junis Chalis (* 1919 in der Provinz Nangarhar, Afghanistan; † 19. Juli 2006) war ein afghanischer Politiker, Mudschahidinführer und Gründer der islamistischen Partei Hezb e Eslami (Chalis). Chalis stammte aus der Grenzregion zu Pakistan und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Faycal Mawlawi — Fayçal Mawlawi Cheikh Fayçal Mawlawi (né à Tripoli en 1941) est un leader religieux et un homme politique libanais. Diplômé en charia islamique de Damas, en droit et sciences politiques de l Université libanaise et de la Sorbonne, il occupa… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Fayçal Mawlawi — Cheikh Fayçal Mawlawi, né à Tripoli en 1941 et mort le 8 mai 2011[1], est un leader religieux et un homme politique libanais. Diplômé en charia islamique de Damas, en droit et sciences politiques de l Université libanaise et de la Sorbonne, il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mohammed Islam Mohammadi — Mawlawi Mohammed Islam Mohammadi Governor of Bamyan In office September 27, 1996? – November 17, 2001 Governor of Samangan In office December 19, 2005 – January 26, 2007 Succeeded by …   Wikipedia

  • List of Taliban leaders — See also: List of alleged Al Qaida membersLeaders, Ministers and Deputy Ministers Leaders, Ministers and Deputy Ministers (italicized and bold name indicates captured or killed by U.S. coalition forces) Name Position Situation Mullah Mohammed… …   Wikipedia

  • Mevlevi Order — Whirling Dervishes perform in the Galata Mevlevihane (Mevlevi Lodge), Istanbul. The Mevlevi Order, or the Mevlevilik or Mevleviye (Persian: مولويه Molavīyeh) are a Sufi order founded in Konya (in present day Turkey) by the followers of …   Wikipedia

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