

name = "Brunsvigia"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Brunsvigia josephinae"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Lilliopsida
ordo = Asparagales
familia = Amaryllidaceae
genus = "Brunsvigia"

"Brunsvigia" is a flowering plant genus in the family Amaryllidaceae. It contains about 20 species native to South Africa.

"Brunsvigia" are tender bulbs, winter-growing and summer-dormant, generally flowering in early autumn. Their flowers are brilliant scarlet, pink, or red. Species include:
* "Brunsvigia appendiculata"
* "Brunsvigia bosmaniae"
* "Brunsvigia comptonii"
* "Brunsvigia grandiflora"
* "Brunsvigia gregaria"
* "Brunsvigia herrei"
* "Brunsvigia josephinae"
* "Brunsvigia litoralis"
* "Brunsvigia marginata"
* "Brunsvigia natalensis"
* "Brunsvigia orientalis"
* "Brunsvigia pulchra"
* "Brunsvigia radula"
* "Brunsvigia radulosa"
* "Brunsvigia striata"
* "Brunsvigia undulata"

External links

* [ Bulb Society gallery]


* R.A. Dyer, 1950: "A review of the genus Brunsvigia". Plant Life 6: 63-83
* R.A. Dyer, 1951: "A review of the genus Brunsvigia". Plant Life 7: 44-64
* C.A. Smith, 1966: "Common names of South African plants". Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 35. TheGovernment Printer, Pretoria
* R.S. Adamson, T.A. Salter (eds.), 1950: "Flora of the Cape Peninsula". Juta, Cape Town and Johannesburg
* J. Manning, P. Goldblatt, 2000: "Wild flowers of the fairest Cape". Red Roof Design in association with the Nationalotanical Institute, Cape Town
* E.G. Rice, R.H. Compton, 1950: "Wild flowers of the Cape of Good Hope". The Botanical Society of SA, Cape Town
* A. Pauw, S. Johnson, 1999: "Table Mountain: a natural history". Fernwood Press
* G.D. Duncan, 2000: "Grow bulbs". Kirstenbosch Gardening Series, National Botanical Institute, Cape Town
* G.D. Duncan, 2002: "Grow nerines". Kirstenbosch Gardening Series, National Botanical Institute, Cape Town

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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