- Human rights in Bangladesh
2005 was a bad year for national security in
Bangladesh . Nearly every day was marked by bombings, and on one day in particular,August 17 , 2005, four hundred bombs exploded in all but one of the nation's sixty-four districts [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/4616594.stm Bangladesh 'militant' sentenced] . Consequentially, Bangladesh's record for human rights, which was already in question, has deteriorated. Bangladeshi security forces continue to be accused byAmnesty International andHuman Rights Watch of grave abuses of human rights, includingextrajudicial summary execution s, excessive use of force and the use of custodial torture. [ [http://web.amnesty.org/report2004/bgd-summary-eng Amnesty International ] ] . Reporters anddefenders of human rights continue to be harassed and intimidated by the authorities, worsened by the impunity afforded in legislation in 2003 to the country’s security forces that shields them from prosecution and public scrutiny [http://web.amnesty.org/report2004/bgd-summary-eng Ibid ] . The rights of such minorities asHindu s andAhmadi s are in a compromised state, and corruption is still a major problem, to the extent thatTransparency International has listed Bangladesh as the most corrupt country in the world for five years running [http://ww1.transparency.org/cpi/2005/cpi2005_infocus.html] .Extrajudicial killings
In the 2001 national elections to the
Jatiyo Sangshad , theright-wing Bangladesh Nationalist Party gained a majority, largely on the basis of their policy commitment to fight crime and terrorism within Bangladesh. Two years later, as a part of this drive, the government established theRapid Action Battalion , an elite 'anti-crime' unit composed of armed personnel from several of the existing security branches. Since the RAB was set up, it has been constantly alleged that extrajudicial killings and instances of custodial torture have surged.Between January and October 2005, an estimated 300 civilians having criminal records died due to 'encounter' killings [ [http://onlypunjab.com/fullstory2k5-insight-News-status-5-newsID-4420.html Bangladesh to probe nearly 300 extrajudicial killings by law enforcers : South Asia News Onlypunjab.com- Onlypunjab.com Latest News ] ] , at the hands of law enforcement agencies and the RAB. Human rights groups have recorded many of these killings, and have demanded that each death be investigated, but the government have refused to meet these requests. The government has defended RAB for having cut serious crime by fifty percent, and have, as of 2006, dismissed international condemnation of RAB——against whom the
European Parliament have issued a strong resolution [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML+MOTION+B6-2005-0265+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN] by saying that 'encounter killings' happen all over the world.The government's tolerance towards human rights abuses is not a new phenomenon. Operation Clean Heart, an anti-crime operation that ran nationwide from October 2002 to January 2003, led to the death of approximately sixty people, the maiming of around three thousand individuals, and the arrest of more than forty-five thousand [http://www.swadhinata.org.uk/misc/HUMAN%20RIGHTS%20WATCH%20REPORT%202006.doc] . On the day that Operation Clean Heart was announced by the government as having ended, an ordinance was ratified that prohibited law-suits or prosecutions for human rights violations during that period, giving the armed forces and police impunity from being prosecuted for their actions [ [http://www.hrdc.net/sahrdc/hrfchr59/Issue1/bangladesh.htm Bangladesh: Operation Clean Heart: Dhaka’s dirty war ] ] .
RAB and other security agencies have been accused of using
torture during custody and interrogation. One allegation of such came from a young man who was arrested inDhaka for protesting against theassault of an old man byplainclothes RAB agents. He was later severely tortured [http://www.redress.org/publications/Bangladesh.pdf] . OnJuly 27 ,2005 , two brothers fromRajshahi , Azizur Rahman Shohel and Atiquer Rahman Jewel, were arrested on fabricated charges, beaten with batons and subjected toelectric shock s [ [http://www.banglarights.net/news_and_issues.php?story_id=246 Bangladesh Human Rights Networks - banglarights.net ] ] . It is alleged that this brutality stemmed from the brothers' family being incapable of paying a sufficient bribe. The brothers were tortured to such an extent that they were hospitalised at the Rajshahi Medical School Hospital under police custody [ [http://www.ahrchk.net/ua/mainfile.php/2005/1199/ BANGLADESH: Brutal torture of two young men by the Boalia police in Rajsahi ] ] .Persecution of minority communities
Although Bangladesh is a party to the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights , a covenant designed to ensurefreedom of religion and of expression, it has tolerated violent assaults on religious minority communities by extremists.In January 2004, the government succumbed to an ultimatum from their coalition partner, the Islami Okiya Jote, and from the extremist vigilante Khatme Nabuwat Movement to declare that
Ahmadi people are not Muslims [http://hrw.org/english/docs/2006/01/18/bangla12267.htm Essential Background: Overview of human rights issues in Bangladesh (Human Rights Watch, 31-12-2005) ] ] . Not wishing to lose its majority, Ahmadiyya publications were declared as banned nationwide by the government. A constitutional court suspended the ban, butIslamist groups are threatening legal challenge to this.Attacks on the homes and places of worship of Ahmadiyya are still prevalent, but the government has chosen neither to prosecute those responsible, nor discipline police officers who failed to protect victims. Other religious minorities have come under attack, with abductions,
desecration of religious sites, andforced conversion s [http://southasia.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=672] persistently reported. There have been many reports of Hindus having been evicted from their properties, and of Hindu girls being raped [ [http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engASA130062001!Open Bangladesh: Attacks on members of the Hindu minority | Amnesty International ] ] , but the police have refused to investigate, to this point. Due to this climate of religious persecution, several hundred thousandBuddhist s, Hindus andChristian s have left the country [ [http://www.hrdc.net/sahrdc/hrfeatures/HRF48.htm Attacks on Hindu Minorities in Bangladesh ] ] .Freedom of religion
Although initially Bangladesh opted for a secular nationalist ideology as embodied in its Constitution, the principle of secularism was subsequently replaced by a commitment to the Islamic way of life through a series of constitutional amendments and government proclamations between 1977 and 1988. The
Constitution establishes Islam as the state religion but provides for the right to practice--subject to law, public order, and morality--the religion of one's choice. [ [http://www.pmo.gov.bd/constitution/part1.htm#2A.] Article 2A ] The Government generally respects this provision in prIntimidation of Human rights defenders, journalists, and the opposition
Voices of opposition are ever more at risk in Bangladesh, as groups who document or speak out against the actions of the government have found themselves increasingly threatened and under attack. On
January 27 ,2005 , Shah Abu Mohamed Shamsul Kibria, former Finance Minister and senior member of the secularBangladesh Awami League , was assassinated [ [http://www.thedailystar.net/2006/01/27/d6012701085.htm The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 592 ] ] . This followed a 2004 attempt to assassinate the leader of the Awami League,Sheikh Hasina , in a bomb and grenade blast. She survived, but twenty-three members of her party were killed [ [http://www.saag.org/%5Cpapers22%5Cpaper2129.html ULFA’s Involvement in Assassination Attempt on Sheikh Hasina - Bangladesh Monitor - Paper No. 5 ] ] . Other AL members, junior and senior alike, have reported harassment and intimidation.Human rights organisations also operate under the threat of assault from the authorities and government supporters [ [http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engASA130042005 Bangladesh: Human rights defenders under attack | Amnesty International ] ] . On
August 8 ,2005 , a group of BNP members attacked two human rights activists, who had been investigating torture against an Ahmadi. Journalists face the same fate: for three years, the organisation Reporters sans Frontières, has named Bangladesh the country with the largest number of journalists physically attacked or threatened with death. The government has no intention of protecting journalists, whereas Islamist groups continue to intensify their intimidation of the independent news media [ [http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=13423 Reporters sans frontières - Bangladesh - Annual report 2005 ] ] .AIDS and Homosexuality in Bangladesh
Reported cases of HIV/AIDS are growing at an alarming extent, with over a million AIDS sufferers in Bangladesh [ [http://www.youandaids.org/Asia%20Pacific%20at%20a%20Glance/Bangladesh/index.asp#scenario HIV and AIDS in Bangladesh,HIV in Bangladesh,AIDS in Bangladesh,Indicators,Estimates,Figures,HIV situation ] ] . Whilst this rise of AIDS is not confined to Bangladesh in particular, the government is doing nothing to prevent the spread of AIDS and is not prosecuting police who rape homosexual men.
Politically vulnerable groups at risk of HIV infection, such as
sex worker s andmen who have sex with men , have not been educated about the risk of AIDS, nor protected by the authorities, and they have found themselves regularly assaulted, abducted,rape d,gang rape d, and subjected toextortion by the police and by powerful criminals [ [http://www.aegis.com/news/afp/2003/AF030869.html AEGiS-AFP News: Bangladesh-AIDS-rights: Bangladesh could face AIDS 'epidemic' if police are not reformed: HRW - August 20, 2003 ] ] . Organisations have been established to stem the development of AIDS through education, but such projects have been curbed by police brutality towards members who work on them [ [http://www.hrw.org/reports/2003/bangladesh0803/ HRW: Ravaging the Vulnerable: Abuses Against Persons at High Risk of HIV Infection in Bangladesh ] ] .Notes and references
External links
* [http://www.hrcbm.org/ Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities]
* [http://www.hrcbm.org/news/writ_HRCBM_Bangladesh_2006.html Litigation Against Government of Bangladesh for the Protection of Country's Minority communities who are deprived of their fundamental rights.]
* [http://www.hrcbm.org/CHT/Chittagong_Hilltract.htm The Genocide in Chittagong Hill Tract of Bangladesh.]
* [http://hrw.org/english/docs/2006/01/18/bangla12267.htm Human Rights Watch's overview of human rights issues in Bangladesh]
* [http://hrw.org/doc?t=asia&c=bangla Human Rights Watch's Bangladesh index]
* [http://www.ifex.org/en/content/view/full/143/ Censorship in Bangladesh] - IFEX
* [http://www.hrcbm.org Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM)] : Atrocities against Minorities in Bangladesh.
* [http://www.hrcbmdfw.org Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities of Dallas Fort-Worth (HRCBM-DFW)] : Atrocities against Minorities in Bangladesh.
*TheAHRC 's [http://www.ahrchk.net/ua/mainfile.php/2005/1199/ report on 'brutal' torture of Rahman Shohel]
* [http://www.article2.org/mainfile.php/0504/245/ Article2's long list of alleged abuses of human rights]
* [http://www.ect.org/news/2003-4-16_sydneygay.html ECT: Why Gay men flee Bangladesh]
* [http://www.youandaids.org/Asia%20Pacific%20at%20a%20Glance/Bangladesh/index.asp#scenario UNDP: AIDS in Bangladesh]
* [http://www.survival-international.org/files/related_material/38_6_71_jummabg.pdf Murder in the Hill tracts]
* [http://bangladesh.ahrchk.net/ serious Bangladesh human rights issues in detail, including torture, extrajudicial killing, impunity and failed administration of justice.Important documents in Bangla]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.