Lun Lun

Lun Lun

Lun Lun is a female giant panda at Zoo Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia. The panda, now convert|235|lb|kg, was born at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China on August 25, 1997. Her original name, Hua Hua, was changed to Lun Lun by her sponsor, the Taiwanese rock star Su Huilun. On September 6, 2006, Lun Lun and mate Yang Yang became the parents of a female cub, named Mei Lan, who made her debut in early 2007. On August 30, 2008 at 10:10pm (22:10) EDT she gave birth to a second cub, a male, not yet named. [cite web|title=Giant Panda born at Zoo Athlanta|url=|publisher=Zoo Atlanta News|date=2008-08-30] [cite web|title=Giant panda cub born at Zoo Atlanta|url=|publisher=The Associated Press|date=2008-08-30]


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* [ Zoo Atlanta]

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