Pata Negra

Pata Negra

Pata Negra is a famous flamenco band in the history of Spanish music. Established by Raimundo Amador Fernández (singer and guitarist, b. 1959 in Seville) and Rafael Amador Fernández (guitarist and cantaor, b. 1960 in Seville) after the band "Veneno" broke up. Their style of derivative rhythms based on flamenco music and blues, which they titled "blueslería", made an impact on other modern flamenco music bands. The Amador brothers as "Pata Negra", recorded six records between 1981 and 1995,

*"Rock Gitano I" 1983
*"Guitarras callejeras" (Street Guitars) their second record
*"Blues de la Frontera" 1987, considered one of the best records released in Spain in the 1980s
*"Inspiración y locura" 1990
*"El directo" (Live) 1994
*"Como una vara verde" (Like a green stick) 1994, their sixth and last recordOther compilations
*"Rock Gitano" (Nuevas mezclas) new mixes
*"Best of Pata Negra", 1998
*"Pata Negra" 2002

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