Joë Bousquet

Joë Bousquet

Joë Bousquet (Narbonne, March 19, 1897 - Carcassonne, September 28, 1950) was a French poet.

Wounded on May 27, 1918 at Vailly near the Aisne battlelines at the end of the First World War, he was paralysed for the rest of his life, and lived a life largely bedridden, surrounded by his books. His physical incapacity and constant pain (for which he took opium) caused a retreat from the world, but also became the starting point for an extensive body of poetry and writing. He contributed poetry to the Carcassonne poetic review "Cahiers du Sud", and carried on a correspondence with many writers and friends, including Louis Aragon, André Gide, Paul Eluard, and Max Ernst. His home in Carcassonne, France is now a museum in his memory.

Bousquet became friends with the surrealists, and his poetry is often associated with them. He also purchased paintings by Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst, Jean Fautrier, Wols, André Masson and Hans Bellmer, and was painted by Jean Dubuffet and sculpted by René Iché.

His work was admired by many famous French writers of the 20th century, including René Char, Louis Aragon, André Breton, Gide, Valéry, and, most notably, Gilles Deleuze.


* "Le Mal d'enfance", (Denoël, 1939), illustred by René Iché
* "Traduit du silence", (Gallimard, 1941)
* "Le Meneur de lune", (1946)
* "La Connaissance du soir", (Éditions du Raisin, 1946)


:"This article is based in part on the article Joë Bousquet from the French Wikipedia, retrieved on September 30, 2006."

External links

* [ Painting of Joë Bousquet in bed] , painting by Jean Dubuffet, 1947.
* [ Joë Bousquet] (in French)
* [ Joë Bousquet] (in French)
* [ Joë Bousquet] (in French)
* [ Joë Bousquet] (in French)

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  • Joë Bousquet — (Narbona, 1897 Carcasona, 1950) fue un poeta francés. Bousquet resultó herido durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, en la primavera 1918, cuando combatiendo en el frente de Aisne, con 21 años recibió un disparo por parte de tropas alemanas… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Joë Bousquet — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bousquet. Joë Bousquet, né à Narbonne (Aude) le 19 mars 1897 et mort à Carcassonne (Aude) le 28 septembre 1950, était un poète français. Sommaire 1 …   Wikipédia en Français

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