Journal of High Energy Physics

Journal of High Energy Physics

The Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) is a refereed scientific journal in the field of high energy physics. JHEP is published by the Italian International School for Advanced Studies (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, or SISSA) and was founded in 1997 as a purely electronic journal with no printed counterpart.

Cost and copyright

JHEP is notable for providing free online access to the current month's published papers, and to the complete 1997-2004 archive. Developing and low-income countries are granted access to JHEP at no charge or at considerably discounted rates. []

The copyright of papers accepted for publication is transferred to JHEP. However, authors retain a personal licence to post and update the paper on free e-print servers and to copy and reuse the paper for non-commercial purposes. []

The old JHEP conference proceedings supplement has been incorporated into the Proceedings of Science.

External links

* [ JHEP web page]
* [ SISSA web page]

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