Gérard Prunier

Gérard Prunier

Gérard Prunier is a French academic and historian specializing in the Horn of Africa and East Africa.

Prunier received a PhD in African History in 1981 from the University of Paris. In 1984, he joined the CNRS scientific institution in Paris as a researcher. He later also became Director of the French Centre for Ethiopian Studies in Addis Ababa. Prunier has published over 120 articles and five books.

Prunier is fluent in his native French, as well as English, German and Spanish. He also has general knowledge of Sudanese Arabic.

Published Works

* "Les Ethnies ont une histoire" (ed. with Jean-Pierre Chrétien), Paris : Karthala, 1989, ISBN 286537226X
* "L'Ouganda et la question indienne : 1896-1972", Paris : Editions Recherche sur les civilisations, 1990
* "The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide", Columbia University Press, 1995, ISBN 0231104081
* "Le Kenya contemporain", (ed. with François Grignon), Paris : Karthala & Nairobi : IFRA, 1998, ISBN 2865377938
* "Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide", Cornell University Press, 2005, ISBN 0801444500
* "From Genocide to Continental War: The "Congolese" Conflict and the Crisis of Contemporary Africa", C. Hurst & Co, 2006, ISBN 1850655235;Articles
* " [ Burundi: A Manageable Crisis?] ", WRITENET (UK), October 1994
* " [http://mondediplo.com/1997/02/02sudan Sudan’s regional war] ", "Le Monde diplomatique", February 1997 en icon/fr icon
* " [ Rwanda: the Social, Political and Economic Situation] ", WRITENET (UK), June 1997
* " [http://mondediplo.com/1997/10/somali Somaliland, a forgotten country] ", "Le Monde diplomatique", October 1997 en icon/fr icon
* " [http://mondediplo.com/1998/02/10uganda Uganda, nearly a miracle] ", "Le Monde diplomatique", February 1998 en icon/fr icon
* " [http://mondediplo.com/2000/04/13somalia Somalia re-invents itself] ", "Le Monde diplomatique", April 2000 en icon/fr icon
* " [http://mondediplo.com/2002/12/06sudan Sudan: irreconcilable differences] , "Le Monde diplomatique", December 2002 en icon/fr icon
* "Did Somebody Say Genocide?: Gérard Prunier on Darfur", "Harper's Magazine", August 2006
* " [http://www.opendemocracy.net/democracy-africa_democracy/darfur_conflict_3909.jsp Darfur's Sudan problem] ", opendemocracy.net, 15 September 2006

External links

* Fergal Keane, [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/rwanda/etc/interview.html Interview of Prunier on the Rwandan Genocide] , Frontline of the Public Broadcasting Service, early 1997
* Helena Cobban, [http://justworldnews.org/archives/000705.html Gerard Prunier on 'la francophonie' under threat] , blog posting, 31 May 2004

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