List of hospitals in Denmark

List of hospitals in Denmark

This is a list of hospitals in Denmark.

*Region Hovedstaden
**Amager Hospital on the island of Amager, Copenhagen
**Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen
**Bornholms Hospital on the island of Bornholm
**Frederiksberg Hospital in Frederiksberg
**Gentofte Hospital in Gentofte
**Glostrup Hospital in Glostrup
**Herlev Hospital in Herlev
**Hvidovre Hospital in Hvidovre
**Nordsjællands Hospital in Esbønderup, Frederikssund, Hillerød, Elsinore, and Hørsholm
**Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri - psychiatric hospital with many centers around the region
**Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen
**Sct. Hans Hospital in Roskilde
*Region Sjælland
**Fakse Sygehus in Fakse
**Holbæk Sygehus in Holbæk
**Kalundborg Sygehus in Kalundborg
**Korsør Sygehus in Korsør
**Købe Sygehus in Køge
**Nakskov Sygehus in Nakskov
**Nykøbing Falster Sygehus in Nykøbing Falster
**Nykøbing Sjællands Sygehus in Nykøbing Sjælland
**Næstved Sygehus in Næstved
**Ringsted Sygehus in Ringsted
**Roskilde Sygehus in Roskilde
**Slagelse Sygehus in Slagelse
*Region Syddanmark
**Augustenborg Psykiatrisk Hospital in Augustenborg
**Brørup Hospital in Brørup
**Esbjerg Hospital in Esbjerg
**Fredericia Hospital in Fredericia
**Fåborg Hospital in Fåborg
**Give Hospital in Give
**Grindsted Hospital in Grindsted
**Haderslev Hospital in Haderslev
**Kolding Hospital in Kolding
**Middelfart Hospital in Middelfart
**Nyborg Hospital in Nyborg
**Odense Universitets Hospital in Odense
**Ribe Psykiatrisk Hospital in Ribe
**Ringe Hospital in Ringe
**Svendborg Hospital in Svendborg
**Sønderborg Hospital in Sønderborg
**Tønder Hospital in Tønder
**Vejle Hospital in Vejle
**Ærøskøbing Hospital on the island of Ærø
**Aabenraa Hospital in Aabenraa
*Region Midtjylland
**Regionshospitalet Brædstrup in Brædstrup
**Regionshospitalet Grenaa in Grenaa
**Regionshospitalet Hammel Neurocenter in Hammel
**Regionshospitalet Herning in Herning
**Regionshospitalet Holstebro in Holstebro
**Regionshospitalet Horsens in Horsens
**Regionshospitalet Kjellerup in Kjellerup
**Regionshospitalet Lemvig in Lemvig
**Regionshospitalet Odder in Odder
**Regionshospitalet Randers in Randers
**Regionshospitalet Ringkøbing in Ringkøbing
**Regionshospitalet Samsø on the island of Samsø
**Regionshospitalet Silkeborg in Silkeborg
**Regionshospitalet Skanderborg Sundhedscenter in Skanderborg
**Regionshospitalet Skive in Skive
**Regionshospitalet Tarm in Tarm
**Regionshospitalet Viborg in Viborg
**Århus Universitetshospital Skejby in Århus
**Århus Universitetshospital Risskov in Århus
**Århus Universitetshospital Århus Sygehus in Århus
*Region Nordjylland
**Aalborg Sygehus in Aalborg, Dronninglund, and Brovst
**Sygehus Vendsyssel in Hjørring, Frederikshavn, and Brønderslev
***Sundhedscenter Skagen in Skagen
**Sygehus Himmerland in Farsø, Hobro, and Terndrup
**Sygehus Thy-Mors in Thisted and Nykøbing Jylland
*Private Hospitals
**Allerød Privathospital in Allerød
**Dan Clinic in Beder
**Erichsens Privathospital in Klampenborg
**Esbjerg Privathospital in Esbjerg
**Privathospitalet Hamlet in Frederiksberg
**Hellerup Privathospital in Hellerup
**Privathospitalet Dalgas in Herning and Århus
**Ciconia Århus Privathospital in Højbjerg
**Privathospitalet Kollund in Kollund
**Absalon Privatklinik in Copenhagen
**Nygart Privathospital in Copenhagen
**Parkens Privathospital in Copenhagen
**Privathospitalet Mølholm in Herlev, Odense, Risskov, Vejle, and Århus
**Privathospitalet Hunderup in Odense
**Privathospitalet Skørping in Skørping
**HjerteCenter Varde in Varde
**Dagkirurgisk Hospital Viborg in Viborg
**Søllerød Privathospital in Virum
**Aarhus Speciallægecenter in Århus
**Grymer Privathospital in Århus

External links

The list of hospitals above was gathered from information on the following websites:
* [ Region Hovedstaden]
* [ Region Sjælland]
* [ Region Syddanmark]
* [ Region Midtjylland]
* [ Region Nordjylland]
* [ List of private hospitals in Denmark]

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