- Bedelliidae
name = Bedelliidae
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Bedellia somnulentella "
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
classis =Insect a
ordo =Lepidoptera
superfamilia =Yponomeutoidea
familia = Bedelliidae
genus = "Bedellia"
genus_authority = Stainton, 1849
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.Bedelliidae is a small family of small, narrow-winged
moth s; most authorities recognize just a single genus, "Bedellia", previously included in the familyLyonetiidae .pecies
Species include:
*"Bedellia annuligera ":*Recordedlarva l food plants: "Convolvulus arvensis ", "Solanum melongena "
*"Bedellia autoconis ":*Larval food plant: "Ipomoea batatas "
*"Bedellia boehmeriella ":*Larval food plant: "Boehmeria grandis"
*"Bedellia enthrypta ":*Larval food plant: "Porana paniculata"
*"Bedellia minor ":*Larval food plant: "Ipomoea "
*"Bedellia oplismeniella ":*Recorded larval food plants: "Oplismenus compositus", "Panicum torridum"
*"Bedellia orchilella ":*Recorded larval food plants: "Ipomoea batatas ", "Solanum melongena "
*"Bedellia psamminella "
*"Bedellia somnulentella ":*Recorded larval food plants: "Betula papyrifera ", "Calystegia sepium ", "Convolvulus ", "Ipomoea ", "Salix ", "Sisymbrium irio ", "Solanum melongena "
*"Bedellia struthionella ":*Larval food plant: "Panicum torridum"
*"Bedellia terenodes ":*Larval food plant: "Ipomoea "External Links
* [http://www.microleps.org/Guide/Bedelliidae/index.html Microleps] U.S.A. (Nearctic)
* [http://www.jpmoth.org/Bedelliidae/Bedellia_somnulentella.html Japmoth] Images of imagines , larva and pupa.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.