

Infobox Newspaper
name = Kosmo!

caption = Front page of the Kosmo! newspaper
type = Daily newspaper
format = Compact
foundation = August 30, 2004
ceased publication =
price = RM 1.00 daily.
owners = Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad
publisher =
editor =
language = Malay
political =
circulation = 35,000 (Daily; as of June 2005)
headquarters =
website = [http://www.utusangroup.com.my/bm/kosmo.html Utusan Group] ms icon

"Kosmo!" (uncommonly known as "Kosmo") is a Malay language compact format newspaper in Malaysia owned by Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad. It is available in Malaysia at most newsstands.

It was launched on August 30, 2004 by Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Kosmo! existed when the public was in a desperate need of a newspaper that could be easily read and carried. This newspaper suits the taste of Malaysians who are mostly busy with their daily matters.

Formerly, Kosmo! was sold in Malaysia at a price of 80 cents daily excluding Sundays, when it was sold at RM 1.00 under a different name, that is "Kosmo Ahad". However, effective April 2007, Kosmo! was sold at RM 1.00 daily.


*All the sections in this newspaper use an exclamation mark (!) which is known to attract people.
*The name Kosmo is short for "Kosmopolitan" (Cosmopolitan).

External links

* [http://www.utusangroup.com.my/bm/kosmo.html Utusan Group Official Site] ms icon
* [http://www.pmo.gov.my/WebNotesApp/PMMain.nsf/0/e924e7790bf9baa748256f02002a2784?OpenDocument The Prime Minister's Speech at the Launching Ceremony of Kosmo!]

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