- InspecVision Ltd.
InspecVision Ltd. is a UK company based in
Larne ,Northern Ireland . A manufacturer ofcomputer vision inspection systems, it is an example of one of several local hi-tech companies created as spinoffs or inspired by research conducted at theQueen's University of Belfast . [Armstrong P.J. and Antonis J.(2000). ECCV 2000, Book Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISBN 978-3-540-67686-7] [ [http://www.me.qub.ac.uk/research/manuf/ Queen's University of Belfast, Computer Aided Manufacturing Research Group, Three Dimensional Modelling Using Active Computer Vision] ] Other notable examples include [http://www.andor.com Andor PLC.] , [http://www.aptx.com APT Ltd.] , [http://www.ospreycorporation.com Osprey Environmental Ltd.,] Merlin Microwave Ltd. and Integrated Silicon Systems Ltd..
The latter two companies are the recipients of prestigious Smart Awards. [ [http://www.qub.ac.uk/info/rae/grade5/electric.htm Queen's University of Belfast, Dept. of Electrical Engineering] ]Technology
While there are many manufacturers of 3D
computer vision systems such as [http://www.3dscanners.co.uk/ 3D Scanners] , or [http://www.cyberware.com cyberware] , these systems utilize eitherStructured light (often aLaser scanning system) or a moving camera to measure an object or scene [Pham D.T. and Alcock R.J. (2003). Smart Inspection Systems: Techniques and Applications of Intelligent Vision. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-554157-0.] .
InspecVision Ltd. is unusual in that it produces primarily 2D or 2&1/2Dcomputer vision systems. Consequently its customers are often manufacturers of 2D or primarily flat components such assheet metal components orgaskets .
Furthermore, unlike other 3D or 2Dcomputer vision systems InspecVision Ltd. have developed a technology which requires no moving parts, rather a single fixed ultra-high resolutiondigital camera is used to measure the entire object with a single image. [ [http://www.ferret.com.au/articles/E7/0C042CE7.asp Ferret, Australia]
] Consequently measurement times are usually much less than a second. A completely static system also precludes the rigorous recalibration requirements of other moving camera orstructured light computer vision systems.This
patent ed technology has been the recipient of several international awards, including "Best Quality Control System" at the [http://www.mach06.com MACH 2006] MWP Awards [ [http://www.mwpawards.com/Results.aspx Metal Working Production Awards, Results] ] and 2 [http://www.investni.co.uk/smart SMART Awards.] [ [http://www.qub.ac.uk/escience/INI%20RD%20Support%20Final.pdf#search=%22inspecvision%20smart%22 Queen's University of Belfast, Research & Development Technology Transfer Programmes, page 9] ]References
External links
* [http://www.inspecvision.com InspecVision]
* [http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/business/story.jsp?story=684496 Belfast Telegraph Article, UK]
* [http://www.investni.com/access/develop/develop-news.htm?newsid=22263 Invest Northern Ireland Article, UK]
* [http://archive.metalformingmagazine.com/2006/05/Quality.pdf#search=%22inspecvision%22 Metal Forming Magazine, Ohio, USA]
* [http://www.investni.com/investin_spring06.pdf#search=%22smart%20inspecvision%22 InvestIn Magazine, Page 18, UK]
* [http://www.ferret.com.au/articles/E7/0C042CE7.asp Ferret, Australia]
* [http://www.euro-blech.de/files/EB06_Messevorschau_D.pdf#search=%22inspecvision%20fabtech%22 Page 10, EuroBlech, Hannover, Germany]
* [http://www.fmafabtech.com/PDFs/New_Product_Preview_090905.pdf#search=%22inspecvision%20fabtech%22 Page 7, FABTECH Chicago, USA]
* [http://www.mach06.com/DesktopModules/Articles/ArticlesView.aspx?tabID=0&alias=Rainbow&lang=en&ItemID=24&mid=423 MACH Birmingham, UK]
* [http://www.mwpawards.com Metal Working Production Awards, UK]
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