A Complete Demonstration

A Complete Demonstration

Infobox Album
Name = A Complete Demonstration
Type = studio
Artist = VAST

Background = Orange
Released = 2005
Genre = Alternative rock
Length = 58:51
Label = 2blossoms
Last album = "Nude"
This album = "A Complete Demonstration"
Next album = "Turquoise & Crimson (Retail Version)"

"A Complete Demonstration" is a compilation of early demo tracks by the band VAST. It was made available online in 2005 as a limited edition piece, with the first five hundred copies being signed by Jon Crosby, as well as being numbered.

Track listing

#"If You Are in Heaven" – 4:41
#"Channel Zero" – 5:20
#"Electric Womb" – 3:50
#"Cannibal" – 3:19
#"Enemy" – 3:32
#"Jaded" – 4:09
#"Dirty Hole*" – 5:37
#"Skin Cage" – 4:37
#"Three Doors*" – 3:54
#"Touched*" – 4:04
#"Pretty When You Cry*" – 3:02
#"I Want to Take You There" – 3:50
#"The Niles Edge*" – 4:23
#"Flames*" – 4:33

* Six demo versions of songs appearing on the self-titled debut album Visual Audio Sensory Theater.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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