When the Dust Settles

When the Dust Settles

Infobox Album
Name = When the Dust Settles
Type = studio
Artist = Downsyde

Released = December 2004
Recorded = 2004
Genre = Hip hop
Length = 69:16
Label = Obese
Producer = Optamus, Dazastah, Cheeky, Armee
Reviews = * [http://www.amo.org.au/release.asp?id=7352 AMO Review]
* [http://www.cyclicdefrost.com/review.php?review=821 Cyclic Defrost (January, 2005)]
* [http://www.inthemix.com.au/music/19490/Downsyde_When_the_Dust_Settles In The Mix (January, 2005)]
Last album = "Land of the Giants"
This album = "When the Dust Settles"
Next album = "All City"

"When the Dust Settles" is the third full-length album from Western Australian hip hop group, Downsyde. It was released in December 2004 through Obese Records.

All the tracks for the album were recorded and mixed at the various members' homes except for the flutes on "Bring It All Black" and "Arabian Knights", which were recorded at Studio Couch in Fremantle, Western Australia.

The album was reviewed by Triple J on their website, [ [http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/review/album/s1261598.htm Triple J music review] ] and was nominated for the 2005 J Award. [ [http://abc.net.au/triplej/jaward/when_the_dust_settles.htm 2005 J Award nomination] ]

Several tracks from the album received airplay from radio stations around Australia, including 4ZZZ (Brisbane) [ [http://www.4zzzfm.org.au/nowplaying/index.cfm?action=dsp_playlist&showID=23&day=4&playlistID=837 4ZZZ Playlist - January, 2005] ] , FBi (Sydney) [ [http://www.fbiradio.com/content.php/125.html FBi Album of the Week (December, 2004)] ] , 3RRR (Melbourne) [ [http://www.rrr.org.au/onair.php?paid=1287&prid=23 Triple R FM - Best label releases 2004] ] and RTRFM (Perth) [ [http://www.rtrfm.com.au/shows/morningmag/date/2007-07-13 RTRFM Playlist] ] .

Track listing

All songs written by Shahbaz Rind, D. Reutens, Scott Griffiths, Mat Cheetham and Damien Allia, unless otherwise noted. Australasian Performing Rights Association: [http://www.apra.com.au/site/public/searchworksresult.stm] ]

#"When the Dust Settles" - 1:23
#"Lesfortunate" - 4:09
#"Anyone Can Do It" - 3:37
#"Bring It All Back" - 3:27
#"To tha Stumps" (D. Reutens, Scott Griffiths, Shahbaz Rind, Damien Allia) ] - 4:15
#"Raggadope" - 4:14
#"I Love It!" (Scott Griffiths, D. Reutens) ] - 0:56
#"Take It Off" (Mathew Cheetham) ] - 3:18
#"The Sooner the Better" - 3:41
#"Oh' Armee" (Damien Allia) ] - 0:13
#"Coming Back for More" - 5:38
#"Best Kept Secret" (Millis, Scott Griffiths, D. Reutens, Shahbaz Rind, Damien Allia) ] - 3:39
#"Adventures in Sampling" (Scott Griffiths) ] - 0:45
#"I'm All I Can Be" (D. Reutens, Scott Griffiths, Damien Allia) ] - 4:20
#"Around the Way" - 3:40
#"I'm Funny" - 0:09
#"Don't Cha Know" - 3:44
#"Verbal Diarrhoea" (D. Reutens, Damien Allia, Shahbaz Rind, Scott Griffiths, Layla Hanbury) ] - 4:25
#"What's Your J.O.B." (Damien Allia) ] - 0:16
#"Lies of Honesty" (Mathew Cheetham) ] - 4:44
#"Arabian Knights" - 3:42
#"First Love" (D. Reutens, Damien Allia, Shahbaz Rind, Scott Griffiths) ] - 3:49
#"Outro" (Damien Allia) ] - 1:12



* Optamus (Scott Griffiths)
* Dazastah (D. Reutens)
* Cheeky (Mathew Cheetham)
* Armee (Damien Allia)
* Dyna Mikes aka Shahbaz (Shahbaz Rind)

Additional musicians/performers

* Drapht (Paul Ridge)- "To tha Stumps"
* Porsah Laine - "Raggadope" & "First Love"
* Kell - "Take It Off"
* Hunter - "Comin Back for More"
* MJ Funkola - "Comin Back for More"
* Koolism (Langomi-e-Hau Latukefu) - "Don't Cha Know?"
* Layla (Layla Handbury) - "Verbal Diarrhoea"
* Louis Slipperz - "Lies of Honesty"


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